Gregory St Fort
2 min readJan 9, 2015

Growth Mind Set Pt 1

We all have dreams but how many of us can truly say that they did all they can to make that dream come true? How many of us can say that we have tried? The fear of failure stops us from trying. Failure is painful; we all know that. But failure is also useful. Failing is the best way for people to grow, because failing is the only way we really learn. It lets us know when we should change course, and gives us experience to do something the next time around.

One of the greatest athletes and entrepreneurs, Michael Jordan, once was cut from his high school basketball team. He kept trying. He kept practicing. He kept learning. He had a growth mind-set.

Someone who has a growth mind-set sees everything as an opportunity to grow. Instead of avoiding the things they’re not good at, they embrace new challenges as opportunities to learn. They do not see failure as a reason to quit. Quitting is the easy way out. Quitting stunts growth. If Michael Jordan decided to quit after being cut from his high school basketball team do you think he would have grown to be the man he is today? Instead of avoiding the challenge of practicing, working hard, learning from failure, you must believe that you can improve.

As painful as failure feels, we should embrace it — smartly — because failure is the only way we really learn. Taking risks allow us to see what works and what doesn’t and may give us the opportunity to really do something new.

In part two….Some of my failures that led to growth!

Thanks for reading. #LetsKeepBuiding