How to create a single-file plugin for Guzzle Bundle

Vlad Gregurco
5 min readSep 5, 2018


The possibility of creating plugins was introduced in version 7.0 of Guzzle Bundle and several plugins have already been published and downloaded thousands of times.

Let’s see how easy it is to create your own single-file plugin!

First install Guzzle Bundle, if you have not already done so:

composer require eightpoints/guzzle-bundle

Don’t worry, it will not take too much time. We prepared a recipe to speed up the installation process.


If you are not familiar with middleware definition, then first read this great article provided by Guzzle team: here.

The primary goal of plugins is to provide possibility of configuration of middlewares for each guzzle client individually.

So, first we need a middleware. Suppose we have one that adds some “magic header” with “magic value” to all the requests:

// src/GuzzleMiddleware/MagicHeaderMiddleware.phpnamespace App\GuzzleMiddleware;use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;class MagicHeaderMiddleware
private $magicHeaderValue;
* @param $magicHeaderValue
public function __construct($magicHeaderValue)
$this->magicHeaderValue = $magicHeaderValue;
* @param callable $handler
* @return \Closure
public function __invoke(callable $handler) : \Closure
return function (
RequestInterface $request,
array $options
) use ($handler) {
$request = $request->withHeader('magic-header', $this->magicHeaderValue);
// Continue the handler chain.
return $handler($request, $options);


Also we need a guzzle client, that will be used to perform requests:

# config/packages/eight_points_guzzle.yamleight_points_guzzle:
base_url: ""
plugin: ~

Now it’s time to connect middleware with the client through plugin system!

# config/packages/eight_points_guzzle.yamleight_points_guzzle:
base_url: ""
header_value: magic-value

Adjust your configuration file and try to clear cache using command bin/console cache:clear and you will observe an error:

In ArrayNode.php line 311:
Unrecognized option "magic_header" under "eight_points_guzzle.clients.httpbin_client.plugin"

It’s OK, because Guzzle Bundle does not know anything about magic_header plugin and such a configuration. The plugin we plan to make will help Guzzle Bundle to do it.


Create plugin file:

// src/GuzzlePlugin/MagicHeaderPlugin.phpnamespace App\GuzzlePlugin;use EightPoints\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\EightPointsGuzzleBundlePlugin;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\ArrayNodeDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;
class MagicHeaderPlugin extends Bundle implements EightPointsGuzzleBundlePlugin
* @return string
public function getPluginName() : string
} /**
* @param ArrayNodeDefinition $pluginNode
public function addConfiguration(ArrayNodeDefinition $pluginNode)
} /**
* @param array $config
* @param ContainerBuilder $container
* @param string $clientName
* @param Definition $handler
public function loadForClient(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container, string $clientName, Definition $handler)
} /**
* @param array $configs
* @param ContainerBuilder $container
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)

Note that we implemented EightPointsGuzzleBundlePlugin interface and defined 4 methods:

  • load - used to load xml/yaml/etc configuration
  • loadForClient - called after clients services are defined in container builder
  • addConfiguration - called when configuration tree of Guzzle Bundle is being built
  • getPluginName - called to get plugin identifier (plugin name)

First define plugin name:

// ...class MagicHeaderPlugin extends Bundle implements EightPointsGuzzleBundlePlugin
* @return string
public function getPluginName() : string
return 'magic_header';

// ...

Next add possibility to configure header_value value in configuration file:

// ...class MagicHeaderPlugin extends Bundle implements EightPointsGuzzleBundlePlugin
// ...
* @param ArrayNodeDefinition $pluginNode
public function addConfiguration(ArrayNodeDefinition $pluginNode)

// ...

During the construction of configuration tree of Guzzle Bundle the node is created for each plugin and this node is passed to each plugin in addConfiguration method. Here you have possibility to add any nodes you want. In out case we added just one scalar and nullable node with key header_value.

You can read more about configuration here.

Connect Plugin with Guzzle Bundle

The plugin does not do anything significant, but it is ready to be connected to Guzzle Bundle.

Find next lines in src/Kernel.php file:

foreach ($contents as $class => $envs) {
if (isset($envs['all']) || isset($envs[$this->environment])) {
yield new $class();

and replace them by:

use EightPoints\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\EightPointsGuzzleBundle;
use App\GuzzlePlugin\MagicHeaderPlugin\MagicHeaderPlugin;
// ...foreach ($contents as $class => $envs) {
if (isset($envs['all']) || isset($envs[$this->environment])) {
if ($class === EightPointsGuzzleBundle::class) {
yield new $class([
new MagicHeaderPlugin(),
} else {
yield new $class();

Clearing of cache will end with success.

Connect Plugin with Middleware

To connect the plugin and middleware we need to modify loadForClient method from MagicHeaderPlugin class. At this stage we get control over the process of building the container. Having the value of header_value option provided from configuration file we can define middleware as a service and inject it to handler stack of the client:

// ...
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
use App\GuzzleMiddleware\MagicHeaderMiddleware;
class MagicHeaderPlugin extends Bundle implements EightPointsGuzzleBundlePlugin
// ...

* @param array $config
* @param ContainerBuilder $container
* @param string $clientName
* @param Definition $handler
public function loadForClient(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container, string $clientName, Definition $handler)
if ($config['header_value']) {
// Create DI definition of middleware
$middleware = new Definition(MagicHeaderMiddleware::class);
// Register Middleware as a Service
$middlewareServiceName = sprintf('guzzle_bundle_magic_header_plugin.middleware.magic_header.%s', $clientName);
$container->setDefinition($middlewareServiceName, $middleware);
// Inject this service to given Handler Stack
$middlewareExpression = new Expression(sprintf('service("%s")', $middlewareServiceName));
$handler->addMethodCall('unshift', [$middlewareExpression]);

// ...

Note that loadForClient method is executed for each client defined in eight_points_guzzle configuration file.

Read more about handler stack here.


It’s time to test!

Just call anywhere the client and execute GET request:


Trigger this action and open Symfony Profiler:

Note in the request information the header with name magic-header and value provided from configuration: magic-value.


In this article we found out how easy it is to create single-file plugin and to extend base functionality provided by Guzzle Bundle.

In the next article, we’ll figure out how to create standalone plugin ready to be published on

Additional information

