Working to Live

Greg Valvano
2 min readMar 29, 2018


As a business owner and father of three, it’s often a struggle to balance the live/work aspect of life. There really isn’t a one-size-fits-all or equal balance of the two. Some weeks may require the overtime with the job and others are heavier on the family side of things.

With all of the chaos and demands of the professional world, there are a few ways you can keep your sanity and spend enough time enjoying your life without feeling like you’re falling behind at your job.

Take Breaks

When you feel like you’ve been spinning your wheels, staring at the same design on your screen or overwriting a Medium post :-/, take a step back, get some fresh air and come back with a fresh mind. In that in-between time, do something you enjoy. Go for a run, read a book, spend some time with your family, if you have the opportunity. Revisiting your work after a mental breather can actually be more productive than continuous banging your head against the wall until you make progress.

Don’t Overdo It

Just because you spend more time at the office or pump more hours into the work week doesn’t necessarily mean you’re producing a higher quality of performance at your job. In moderation lies the master, to some degree. This doesn’t mean “aspire to be moderate”. It simply means, find a middle ground and perfect that space without exhausting yourself. We don’t do well when we’re tired or overworked and it shows in the end result.

Plan Ahead

Give yourself something to look forward to. Lay out future vacations and events with your family and stick to that schedule, no excuses. Anticipation can get you through the rough times and allow your mind to see the light at the end of those major projects and stressful meetings.

All in all, take it easy out there and don’t be so serious :-p



Greg Valvano

I’m a Co-Founder and Creative Director at Crafted., a digital creative agency based out of New York City.