Omokhoa Gregory Uhakheme
3 min readOct 25, 2019


So I begin a writing challenge today and its supposed to last for 30days… To be very sincere I have nothing planned. But i do have a goal and that is to be able to call forth the ‘inspiration' whenever i want or in other words ‘eliminating the writers block’. I know some may say that’s entirely impossible that even the most experienced writers go through this, but it is MY GOAL! MINE!!!

So I guess I’m just going to let it flow how ever it wants to flow. The next few days maybe be fraught with why it will not work and so many excuses and reasons alike may come from work and other spheres of life but determined I am to make this work 120%.

Here we go …

On a day like this things are usually not normal. Did that make sense? Let’s try again….

In a situation where what you want does not come to you or what you have prepared for. Even after all the prayer, fasting, reading motivational books and listening to audio tapes combined with reading countless articles on what to do and what not to do. It will be evident that not all you prepare for are yours or will ever be yours no matter how much you try. This is because most of us lack the knowledge of things we can change and those things we can’t. So we put ‘em in our minds and spin the wheel, we then let the situation decide for us. This is a very wrong approach.

Seems like I’m making small sense right😉…Let’s continue…

So first things first, you are to determine you expected end from the beginning. As simple as that sounds its actually the most difficult of all the things you are to do. Because once this is done every other thing kinda falls into place.

You then walk your way backwards. You highlight areas and key places or steps that are IMPORTANT. I stress this because of the step you highlight does not DIRECTLY affect your end goal it’s not important. I use ‘directly' because if when you take out that step and your goal still stands ‘gidigba' or you can still manage it. Then I guess the answer is obvious.

Now that we are on the same page …

You are going to determine the steps you need to take to attain each key step previously listed. Please know that this is super important because now you know that each action or inaction will directly have a serious impact on the overall goal.

The next step is to set timely targets for those steps. It’s as simple as I have said it. I am certain you must have heard about ‘SMART’ goals. If you have not, not to worry, I will discuss it another time. So now is the time to apply it judiciously.

Set ‘review dates' for yourself. I call them review dates because this is when you check your progress against the time you set for each one and you can go ahead to score yourself.

Truth is if you commit to do all I have said you cannot fail I repeat YOU CANNOT FAIL. Why it does not work for some people is that they are already making excuses from day one. And they will never be short of ‘em excuses not because they don’t like success but because they have forgotten that the brain is a muscle and what ever ‘weights’ (excuses and positivity alike) you decide to exercise it with you are gonna reap ten folds. *clears throat* Thatzall!!!

Till tomorrow guys.

Greg Fortune.

Omokhoa Gregory Uhakheme
Omokhoa Gregory Uhakheme

Written by Omokhoa Gregory Uhakheme

Passionate Product Manager with a vision to lead, inspire, and craft exceptional products. Join me as we explore the art of product management and beyond. 🚀