recent events

grendel chagrin
2 min readMay 24, 2017


so sorry you guys that i have not been posting a lot lately. i’ve been really depressed these days. i realize that’s probably no excuse and istill have a responsibility to my readers who depend on my words for inspiration. but this was a really bad one. and just as the funk was starting to lift i heard the news about the terrible tragedy that happened over in england where someone tried to blow up the ariana grande concert. supposedly isis is claiming responsibility. of course that could just be fake news spread by the alt. right news outlets like breatbart or fox news (or faux news, as i like to call it). anyway, even if isis was responsible, let’s be careful not to descend into islamophobia. if we do then the republicans (the real terrerists) will have one. and let’s be conscious that this terrible act could have just as easy been committed by christian extremist who hate ariana for her support of the lgbt community or for being pro choice or for having dated men of color. i did actually read something that said that the type of bomb used was the same type of bomb that a neo-nazi group that targets the gay community is known for using so who knows. the important things here are 1) that ariana was not hurt, thank god (i speak figuratively of course, in case you might think i was fucking stupid enough to believe in some invisible sky wizard) and 2) muslims are a peaceful people and they are generally not our enemy and if they are, it’s the fault of people like trump and george w. bush. if you leave a hornets nest alone they ain’t gonna bother you but once you start threatening their nest, they’re gonna sting your ass and the ass of anyone around. blame the asshole that fucked with them, not the hornets.

anyway, it really broke my heart to read ariana’s tweets on the matter. it seemed like he was blaming herself. it wasn’t her fault, she was just doing her job, going to entertain the people. if anyone is to blame it’s trump of course. if you don’t think this has anything to do with him dropping that “mother of all bombs” on afganistan a few weeks ago then you’re as stupid as he is.

our thoughts and well wishes our with you ariana in this difficult time. i call upon all my readers to send good vibrations your way.



grendel chagrin

"poor grendel's had an accident . . . so may you all!" so may you all! just a human trying to be, in the rancid redneck hellhole of bastrop texas.