The New One Minute Manager — From Book to Life

Gretchen Stephens
4 min readMay 16, 2022



Going into Management Principles(MGT 301), I had no idea what to expect. The professor had thrown so much information at us on the first day that I hardly knew where to start. From Blackboard to Teams, to Swarm Learning, to Plectica, I had no idea what was happening. What were all these new websites and apps that I had never heard of? After the first two weeks, I had finally gotten a grasp on the course and everything that needed to be done. I was told to read a few different books this semester. Just like any other student taking MGT 301 at my university, we were told to read The New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. After I started reading the first two texts that were required, I was finally onto The New One Minute Manager. I read this whole book in less than one day.

The New One Minute Manager By Ken Blanchard, PhD and Spencer Johnson, MD

There are three very important lessons in The New One Minute Manager. When used together, they are the key to success in any setting where there is leadership or management. Each lesson should take about a minute to complete. This keeps the organization and its employees running quickly and effectively. Being productive comes from both quality and quantity.

  1. One-Minute Setting Goals: Making sure both the manager and employee are on the exact. same page with what tasks/ goals need to be completed.

2. One-Minute Praising: Let employees know that they're doing a great job and meeting goals.

3. One-Minute Redirect/Reprimand: This holds employees accountable for any mistakes or wrongdoings.

Lesson 1:

One-Minute goal setting includes the employee setting a 250-word goal for each of the tasks they will accomplish. After writing the goals, the employee will go over this with their manager to ensure they are on the same page. This is so the employee can get the task done without constant direction from the manager. These goals can be gone over in about a minute each.

The goals will be specific and measurable. Many will include deadlines for each individual goal. The manager will follow up with the employee to ensure they're on the right track. This is. where the one-minute praise or redirect comes in.

As a student in management principles, this book can be used to make sure we're on the right track. Because the professor has laid the course and its requirements out very well, we can look back on each of the modules and even meet or email with the professor to make sure we’re doing things correctly. Writing a list of my goals and when/ how I will complete them has helped me tremendously this semester.

Lesson 2:

A one-minute praise is something that needs to be immediate. Instead of the manager or leader looking for their employees to do something wrong, they look for their employees to do the right thing. The manager gives these praises to his/her employee to make them feel good and then they start linking their small accomplishments with positivity. These praises need to be immediate and not at the end of the year at their yearly review. For them to be valuable, the praise needs to be specific and consistent. There needs to be a why it contributed to the success of the organization.

This can be used in management principles by the professor putting comments on our assignments in the feedback comment section on every assignment that gets turned in. Also, group praising could happen with a short positive announcement to the whole class.

Lesson 3:

When giving a one-minute reprimand, there are typically three parts that go into it. First, let the person know of their good work. Next, tell them what they did wrong and let them know that it won't be acceptable in the future. Last, tell the person what they're capable of. Make sure there are pauses in between so the words can really sink in. A one-minute redirect/ reprimand is not meant to be harsh but to get employees back on the track they need to be on. Sometimes these redirects happen because the person wasn’t on the right track they needed to be on in the first place. This gives the manager and employee a chance to be in the same mindset together.

A way that this can be used in Management Principles would once again be in the comment section of each assignment. This is a way the professor can tell us what we're doing wrong in the assignment and we can take corrective action. Focusing on the mistake made in the assignment, then the person.


After reading The New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard, I have incorporated the three lessons into my work and personal life. This is made a tremendous difference in my relationships, efficiency, and mindset. You can use this book during school, work, and personal relationships. Start focusing on the things that people are doing right around you and let them know they're doing a good job. Only speaking to criticize is what tears down the positive in relationships. We need to put time into building the people around us.


Blanchard, Kenneth H., and Spencer Johnson. The New One Minute Manager. Thorsons, an Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2018.

