Getting Started for White Folks III: Podcast Edition

Gretchen DeKnikker
6 min readJun 3, 2020


Building on A Getting Started Guide For White Folks, this is the third of a series diving deeper into recommendations for white folks seeking a place to start, to listen, and most importantly, to act. Everyone has their preferred medium, so I’m going to try to cover all of them.

If podcasts are your medium, below are several from leading voices on bias, anti-racism, and learning to think of white as a race (rather than “normal” or not having an ethnic heritage). These will help in understanding the concept of race and how your whiteness fits into the history of racism in the United States.

Also, if you’re just getting started on this journey, take a quick look at Part I: The Basics.

Check out other posts in the series: A Getting Started Guide For White Folks Overview , Videos, Documentaries and Film Edition, Voices and Organizations, and Workshops and Classes and Books and Articles.

New York Times: 1619 Project

Show notes|iTunes
The first ship carrying slaves hit the shores of what would eventually become the United States in 1619. This thoughtful series chronicles the 400 year history of the Black experience in this country.

Want to learn more? Order White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson and Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi from Black-owned online bookstores.

Black Lives Matter: What Matters

Show notes|iTunes
What Matters combines documentary narrative with interviews to illuminate specific, timely issues, aiming to create safe dialogue to promote freedom, justice, and collective liberation. What Matters is a salve and a safe place where we can connect, learn, think freely, and transform the world.
Want to learn more? Subscribe to Black Lives Matter Global Network and follow Black Lives Matter and its cofounders Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors, and order her book, When They Call You a Terrorist , from Black-owned online bookstores.

Intersectionality Matters

Show notes | iTunes
Kimberlé Crenshaw is an American lawyer, civil rights advocate, and a leading scholar of critical race theory who coined the term and developed the theory of intersectionality.
Want to learn more? Check out her TED Talk on The urgency of intersectionality and her Under the Blacklight series on YouTube.

Commonwealth Club of California

Jennifer Eberhardt — Understanding Bias

Show notes | iTunes

Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt is a Stanford social psychologist and author of Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do. Her pioneering work uncovers how bias plays out in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and criminal justice system in creating systems of inequity and oppression.
Want to learn more? Read Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do from Black-owned online bookstores.

Ibram X. Kendi — How to Be an Antiracist

Show notes | iTunes

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi is an academic, activist and New York Times best selling author and a leading voice in the antiracist movement in the United States. He’s authored How to Be an Antiracist and children’s book AntiRacist Baby as well as Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America and the young adult version Stamped.
— Want to learn more? Order How to Be an Antiracist from Black-owned online bookstores. Follow @DrIbram and subscribe to Ibram X. Kendi.

An Evening with Dr. Cornel West

Show notes | iTunes

For decades, Harvard professor Dr. Cornel West has been a leading activist, philosopher and academic, publishing his groundbreaking Race Matters in 1994.
— Want to learn more? Order Race Matters: 25th Anniversary Edition from Black-owned online bookstores.

The New Yorker Radio Hour

Mass Incarceration, Then and Now

Show notes | iTunes

Marking the 10 year anniversary of Michelle Alexander’s New York Times Bestseller, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, which identified how mass-incarceration policies have been a disaster for communities of color.
Want to learn more? Order The New Jim Crow from Black-owned online bookstores.

Speak Out with Tim Wise

  • The Psychological Effects of Police Violence, Racism & Inequality in America Show notes | iTunes
  • Talking About Race in a Time of Turmoil: The White Ally Toolkit for Constructive Dialogue Show notes |iTunes
  • Affirmative Action, the Model Minority Myth & Right-Wing Divide-and-Conquer Show notes |iTunes

— Want to learn more? Follow Tim Wise on Twitter and subscribe on Medium.

California Institute of Integral Studies

Franchesca Ramsey — That Escalated Quickly

Show notes | iTunes

Franchesca Ramsey is an author, activist and host of MTV’s Decoded, an educational comedic series tackling uncomfortable issues of race, gender, religion and more in the United States.
— Want to learn more? Follow @chescaleigh, subscribe to Franchesca Ramsey and check out Decoded on YouTube.

Ijeoma Oluo — So You Want To Talk About Race

Show notes |iTunes

Ijeoma Oluo is an activist and New York Times bestselling author of So You Want to Talk about Race, a foundational book for anyone looking to put their good intentions into action.
— Want to learn more? Order So You Want to Talk About Race from Black-owned online bookstores, follow @IjeomaOluo and subscribe to Ijeoma Oluo.

Angela Davis: A Life of Activism

Show notes |iTunes

Angela Davis is a legendary activist and academic who has dedicated her life to fighting for social justice. She is the author of multiple books of which Women, Race and Class should be required reading for anyone calling themselves a feminist.
— Want to learn more? Order any title by Angela Davis from Black-owned online bookstores.

City Arts & Lectures

Angela Davis & Ibram X. Kendi

Show notes |iTunes

Angela Davis is a legendary activist and academic who has been fighting for social justice for the past five decades. Ibram X. Kendi is an academic, activist, New York Times best-selling author and a leading voice in the antiracist movement in the United States. These two amazing humans had never met until this night. This is a must-listen.
— Want to learn more? Order any title by Angela Davis or Ibram Kendi from Black-owned online bookstores. Follow @DrIbram and subscribe to Ibram X. Kendi.

Stacey Abrams

Show notes |iTunes

Stacey Abrams rose to national prominence during her run to be the first black, female governor in the United States. After her opponent rigged and eventually won the election, she started Fair Fight to end voter suppression and ensure fair elections.
— Want to learn more? Follow @staceyabrams, subscribe to Stacey Abrams, and support Fair Fight.

Good Ancestor Podcast

Show notes | iTunes | YouTube

Layla Saad is an anti-racist educator and the New York Times best-selling author of Me and White Supremacy, an anti-racism education workbook, and the creator of the Good Ancestor Academy, online personal leadership and anti-racism classes.
Want to learn more? Order Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor from Black-owned online bookstores.

Ep011: #GoodAncestor Robin DiAngelo on White Fragility

Show notes | iTunes

Robin DiAngelo is an academic, lecturer and author of White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism.
— Want to learn more? Order her book from
Black-owned online bookstores.

Next Economy Now

Chris Crass — Anti-racist Work for White People

Show notes |iTunes

Chris Crass is an American social justice activist and writer. He has worked to build working class-based, feminist, multiracial movements for collective liberation.

Debby Irving — How White People Can Advocate For Racial Justice

Show notes |iTunes

Debby Irving is a racial justice educator and the author of the acclaimed book, Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race.
— Want to learn more? Order her book from Black-owned online bookstores and sign up for 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge.

I’m trying to get these out quickly while folks are paying attention and looking for resources, so I’m sure there are many things I’ve missed. Please share thoughts, feedback and suggestions!



Gretchen DeKnikker

(she/her) ex-coo @GirlGeekX, founding coo @saastr. bacon worshiper. mediocre yogi. aspiring bourbon aficionado. lover of hip hop. she/her