Finding Grace as a Quiet Activist

Gretchen Grace
3 min readFeb 25, 2016


Gretchen Grace

I have always been a quiet activist. Healing my own life first. It started with my rebellion from the church and finding my own spiritual path . Then came food. I found the “Mucus-less Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret” at 15 which was the first of many diet changes and finding a natural way to health. I also found Yogi Rama and Sita at that time. I learned all aspects of yoga. It was when I was teaching yoga that I found Reflexology at the age of 17. That’s how my ‘out of the box’ rebellious thinking really started to take off.

I have been a professional bodyworker and massage therapist for over 27 years. I’ve taught Reflexology with massage for 10 of those years. Through the years my diet has changed and is now settled (for the most part) with the Paleo diet. Always coming back to simplicity. Coming back to nature. What a journey of growth and change.

I am now working with DoTERRA essential oils in my practice and in my life for my own health and healing. DoTERRA essential oils are the purest I have found, and I’ve done my research. My daughter introduced me to the oils. I turned her down for one year. She was very persistent. She always gave me samples but at the time I had my own supplier and thought I had the best oils on the market. Finally, I tried her oils and realized how strong and pure they were. I was blown away by how hard the company worked in ensure that purity. No small purveyor could afford that kind of due dilligence. These independent suppliers have their hearts in the right place but can’t keep up to DoTERRA’s rigorous testing for purity.

When I learned more about the company there was no going back. DoTERRA has Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils. Which means they are tested at the source and if they are not pure they find another source. Then they are tested again before they are put in the bottles. DoTERRA has scientists and doctors on staff. Their third party independent testing of the purity is assuring. That’s why we can ingest some of the oils, they are so pure you can eat them. Truly amazing.

My experiences of the oils has been deeply healing. Because my access to health care is limited, I have to heal myself. DoTERRA has helped me with that process. I have healed stomachaches, headaches, athletes foot, removed warts, ringworm and more. Now I am reaching out. Wanting to share what I have found. I want to become less silent, more active in sharing what I know and finding my community. I’m excited about not only using the these oils in healing ourselves and our communities but also finding a way to build financial security for our futures. More on that later. Let’s create a healthy lifestyle and support each other. Thanks for reading. Check out my website for more information:

