Last Letter to my ex-husband

2 min readMar 12, 2022

Dear ex-husband, as we are nearing the end of the marriage, I wanted to write this letter to you.

Not to sound too sentimental, but to kinda highlight this milestone. And I know you would consider this unnecessary, but this is the writer in me, and also a lot in life seems to be easy to forget if you don’t stop and reflect.

Firstly, I would like to say, I do regret certain things that I did in my past, but I am not regretting having a relationship with you (despite what I said in the heat of the moment). I understand, you were unhappy in this marriage, but on my side I was mostly happy, and I did really love you and to this day, I still think you are a great and kind person.

I am sorry if I ever hurt you with my words, know that it was never my intention. I care a lot about you and your family, I think you tried your best and I tried my hardest and my best to make you happy and make this marriage work.

We had an amazing time travelling the world, and we got to be a family even for a very short period, and I think for a fraction of the time we were happy, and that’s a lot.

I forgive you for the way you treated me and the amount of hurt and stress you brought into my life. We all make mistakes and it is okay.

I am grateful for you, and for everything you have done for me. You were always my best friend, and in the darkest of times, I always turned to you and even though we won’t be staying friends, I wish you all the best and I hope you will take care of yourself and understand finally that you deserve happiness and joy in your life, and it is worth all the pain that you will have to go through.





I am 35 years old, and it feels like I should know how to adult. But I don’t. I have zero skills and I don’t know how to file taxes. Pictures are taken by me.