Cowboys & UFOs vs. the Military Industrial Complex

Joel Griffin Dodd
29 min readAug 4, 2022


Cowboys Vs. Aliens promotional Poster.

“The United States Government is reverse engineering technology from crashed Alien craft and hiding it from the public!”

For over 70 years the UFO community has favored one particular idea above all others, the claim that the United States Government has covered up the retrieval and reverse-engineering of crashed Alien space craft. It’s a story so entrenched in our culture that it continues, even today, to cause passionate debate and spark wonder in generation after generation of UFO believers the world over.

If stories from people like Lieutenant Colonel, Philip J. Corso, author of the book The Day After Roswell are to be believed, in 1947, or perhaps even earlier, the U.S. Government would find itself with quite the challenging problem to solve, what to do with the recovered technology?

The story assumes the PR implications of Aliens visiting planet Earth would be unimaginable, potentially sending the American public into a frenzy during an already tense political environment fueled by the Cold War with Russia. So the Government, out of concern for social peace-of-mind, decided it would make more sense to bury the discovery in order for it to be studied far away from the eyes of grubby reporters and politicians alike.

Enter the Military Industrial Complex.

A bounty so profound and potentially world changing would need a place to live, a place where it could be patiently examined with a fine-tooth comb by the most learned experts the U.S. had to offer. This place was not some military base or storage facility, no, it needed to be quieter and darker, an impenetrable chamber. It needed to disappear into the safe welcoming bosom of the private sector, somewhere even the President of the United States couldn’t touch or see it.

We can only speculate as to the conditions agreed upon between a government and private corporations in such a situation. It would be reasonable to assume that at the time, a mutually beneficial relationship could be forged where the corps could profit from patenting and then selling any developments they achieve back to the U.S. Military and commercial sector.

And so, as the story goes, at least one top military contractor set about reverse-engineering the retrieved technology in the hope it could then patent and sell it’s discoveries domestically in order to catapult the United States to the forefront of Military and commercial technological advancement.
Everybody wins….. right?

An admission of UAP that nobody talks about

Front cover of the ‘UAP in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary’

On May 15th 2006, a secret December 2000 report authored by the British Air Command for the Ministry of Defence in the United Kingdom was quietly declassified and placed in a public archive here for anyone to review.

Titled “UAP in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary” the 23 page report is a condensed version of a larger 465 page document also referred to as The Condign Report. The study was conducted secretly without public fanfare and used to brief officials in the UK government on the assessed threat of UAP found within British Airspace.

On page 4 of the report we find a rather startling statement…

“That UAP exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take-off, accelerate to exceptional velocities and vanish, they can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamic characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile — either manned or unmanned.”

EUREKA! The UFO community has been searching for an official documented statement exactly like this for years! Oh happy day!

So why, with such a profound and direct statement coming from a military branch, has a secret report conducted by a close U.S. alley and member of NATO gone mostly unnoticed in the community? Well, because ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ doesn’t mean UFOs, it seems it may never have.

As we dig deeper into the report we learn that the term ‘UAP’ is used to describe atmospheric and potentially man-made ‘phenomena’. The UAP were deemed to be associated with concentrations of electromagnetic energy interacting with the atmosphere forming ‘buoyant plasmas’ which don’t sound very exciting at all, no wonder the UFO community ignored it, plus is was from the UK so meagh.

Even worse, the report claims that the iconic ‘Black Triangle’ craft reported by many people the world over as having a solid black triangle shape, sometimes hundreds of feet wide, hovering silently with a bright light in each of the three corners, is a result of plasma Phenomena. Yeah you’re certainly not going to make any friends in the UFO community with heresy like this.

Furthermore, the report goes on to state…

  • No evidence exists to associate the phenomena with any particular nation.
  • No evidence exists to suggest that the phenomena seen are hostile or under any type of control, other than that of natural physical forces.

Talk about a downer.

There are, however, other very important details in the report that may sound very familiar to anyone who has paid attention to countless claims about UAP that have circulated in the media and popular UFO books over the decades.

The declassified UK report states that there can be significant mechanical and biological effects from coming within near-field range of UAP including,

  • Responses in temporal lobes of the brain, memory loss & repeating of
    vivid experiences.
  • Scorching of human skin and damage to nearby terrestrial objects.
  • Temporary malfunction of internal combustion engines and radios.
  • Concern that aircraft equipment could be exceptionally affected.

These familiar sounding effects have been reported and in some cases documented with evidence in UFO experiencer reports submitted to organizations such as the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and many other UFO organizations all over the world.

The Dec 2000 report shows the UK Ministry of Defence seemingly comfortable enough to disregard UAP as any kind of threat from an Alien species, and recommends that DI55 should no longer monitor UAP reports. However, it also confirms some very important and familiar attributes about buoyant plasmas. Attributes that may have caught the attention of scientists and military contractors alike.

“…the underlying physics may have some military application in the future in the form of active visual, radar and IR decoys and passive electromagnetic spectrum energy-absorbers.”

The full 465 page report has been archived courtesy of The Black Vault and can be found here.

Plasmas in Aerospace Development

Lockheed A-12 Created “Plasma Stealth” By Burning Cesium-Laced Fuel

In 1956, Arnold Eldredge, of General Electric, filed a patent for an “Object Camouflage Method and Apparatus” which proposed using a particle accelerator in an aircraft to create a cloud of ionization that would “…refract or absorb incident radar beams.” It is unclear who funded this work or whether it was prototyped and tested. U.S. Patent 3,127,608 was granted in 1964.

During Project OXCART in the late 1950s, the development of the CIA’s A-12 high-altitude spy plane was designed and manufactured by Lockheed Corp. As part of that development project KEMPSTER used an electron beam generator to create a cloud of ionization in front of each air inlet. The A-12 also had the capability to use a cesium-based fuel additive called “A-50” to ionize the exhaust gases, thus blocking radar waves from reflecting off the aft quadrant and engine exhaust pipes.

It is an open secret now widely acknowledged in aerospace and UFO circles that many sightings of projects such as the U-2, the A-12 and the SR-71 were regularly reported as UFOs. The CIA and USAF were quite happy to leave it that way.

Plasma was starting to become of vast interest to engineers who were under pressure to create aircraft that could fly higher and faster than ever before. However there were dangers of working with extremely high energies, namely shielding the pilots from the radiation created.

In the 2014 book Atomic Adventures, author James Mahaffey claims the following with regard to the risks test pilots faced in the development of new aerospace technologies.

“It was seriously suggested that older pilots be used, beyond the age for fathering children, to minimize genetic mutations due to the radiation exposure in the cockpit.’”

Just sitting in the cockpit of a plane at 60,000+ ft had it’s own radiation risks over time. The use of ionized mediums, plasmas and focused high energy systems in military applications had officially begun, but the health risks were also apparent and were anything but negligible.

There have been many patents submitted over the years that explore uses of plasmas and magnetohydrodynamic effects in the pursuit of new forms of propulsion. One characteristic keeps coming up over and over again, spinning high-energy electromagnetic fields in conjunction with a liquid or gaseous metal. Take a look at this patent submitted in 1964 by James F King jr. and granted in 1967.

Plasmas in the modern era

For at least 70 years the study and evolution of ionized mediums, pulsed high-energy laser systems and plasma physics have resulted in amazing breakthroughs in medicine, food safety, material coatings, cosmetics and of course military applications.

The last few years have seen a significant uptick in the media regarding ‘Hyper-Sonic missiles or re-entry vehicles’ with talk of Russian and Chinese weapons that can travel at speeds of over 15,000 mph. The plasma formed in front of these weapons results in massive drag reduction allowing them to get to such unimaginable speeds. In a Nov 27th 2020 article Brett Tingley of published an excellent article on the use of high energy lasers, ionized air and plasmas to enable hyper-sonic speeds in aircraft and missiles.

High energy lasers and plasmas are also being leveraged for decoy and spoofing methods as shown in this US Navy patent for Laser Induced Plasma Filaments (LIPF) which allow a focused beam to create a plasma concentration in any frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum including infrared, ultraviolet and even the visual frequencies. It can make multiple craft appear on advanced radar systems and is thought to be able to create solid-looking shapes visible to the human eye.

Images from an Laser Induced Plasma Filament patent submission

The list of uses goes on and on, from reported ground based satellite killers to levitating plasma balls that talk, even plasma shields. The uses for the miracle fourth state of matter seem endless, and that’s only what is publicly known. We can only imagine what magic plasma is performing in cutting edge ‘black’ special access programs.

However, plasma has one more very interesting trick up it’s sleeve.

Could some plasmas actually be ‘alive’?

Plasma in zero gravity assembles dust particles into ever-changing structures

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of plasma is,

“A collection of charged particles (as in the atmospheres of stars or in a metal) containing about equal numbers of positive ions and electrons and exhibiting some properties of a gas but differing from a gas in being a good conductor of electricity and in being affected by a magnetic field.”

Plasma is commonly referred to as the ‘fourth state of matter’ and has captivated the imagination of scientists and researchers for over a century. Some of the more eye-opening studies around plasma have pointed out one it’s most curious attributes. Theoretical Physicist David Bohm remarked that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was “alive” and that plasma possessed some of the traits of living things.

Plasma cosmologist, Donald Scott, notes that “…a [plasma] double layer can act much like a membrane that divides a biological cell”. A model of plasma double layers has been used to investigate ion transport across biological cell membranes by researchers (See American Journal of Physics, May 2000, Volume 68, Issue 5, pp. 450–455).

V N Tsytovich and his colleagues at the Russian Academy of Science showed that particles in plasma can undergo self-organization. Under the right conditions, particles of inorganic dust can become organized into helical structures which can interact with each other in ways that are usually associated with organic life, see New Journal of Physics in August 2007.

The video above allegedly shows plasma experiments performed by Russian cosmonauts in zero gravity conditions. If the content of this video is indeed real, the behaviors exhibited are remarkably similar to those of biological systems.

The public study of these concepts is still in it’s infancy and while there are many questions that remain unanswered, the implications of such a discovery of a potential new form of previously undiscovered life throughout the universe are obviously mind-blowing. Especially when you consider that we are quite capable of creating all manner of plasma ourselves.

A warning given over 60 years ago

President Dwight D. Eisenhower gives is farewell address

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

On Jan 17th, 1961 President Eisenhower gave his now iconic farewell address in which he warned of the perils of allowing the unrestricted rise of power within the Military Industrial Complex, stating ‘The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government’.

It seemed that he had already witnessed the almost ungovernable might of private industries and groups that existed with close to zero congressional oversight or power to stop their influence. They seemed to be weaving their way into every level of government, not only in the U.S. but many other countries too.

It is interesting to consider a favorite piece of UFO lore, the claim by a few, including Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retired State Representative to New Hampshire, who declared in May 2010 that former U.S. President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth. It’s quite a claim, but what if we remove the E.T. assumption and just say a ‘group’? Rumors circulate that Eisenhower had three meetings with the ‘group’ between February 17–24, 1954.

It’s an interesting story full of mystery and wild claims, but given Eisenhower’s farewell warning to the world, you have to wonder, what he did experience to drive him to say such a thing on that day in 1961? Was he talking about a ‘breakaway’ group of powerful, well-funded individuals with their own special technologies and influence? A group so formidable that the President of the United States had to make a deal with them?

Could a group like this have really hidden themselves from sight?

When you hold the keys to all the research, all the materials development and all of the knowledge required to create the mightiest weapons, do you worry about answering to politicians, even the President of the United States? It seems they need you more than you need them. Do you reveal your most cutting edge technologies and processes to customers that may, one day, turn around and use them against you? Or do you keep your most powerful creations tucked quietly away for your own benefit?

Another legend in UFO lore is Operation Highjump, a story many readers of this article are no doubt familiar with. The TLDNR version: Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd took a large military contingent down to Antarctica in 1946, got a royal ass-kicking and had to return home with major losses in early 1947. The story is full of all manner of unfounded claims and muddy water, but it certainly does make you wonder what happened and why.

It seems like a logical conclusion to draw today that trusting highly advanced information to ungoverned groups seems like a very bad idea, especially in the wake of the Internet and globalization which opens up massive potential for all manner of interaction around the world. But back in 1947, way before the MIC had grown into the massive behemoth it is today, would it have seemed foolish to hand over what is said to be extremely advanced technology to patriotic all American corporations? It would certainly have seemed like the safest thing to do at the time.

A magnificent media campaign

Tom Delonge announces the formation of ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science’.

In October 2017 Blink-182 front man, UFO enthusiast and punk rock idol, Tom Delonge, hosted a press conference in an empty hall to announce the formation of his new band ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA)’. The now infamous, if somewhat troubled organization was a curious collection of former intelligence agency officers, elite political insiders and industry experts who assembled Avengers style, to finally expose the government cover up and the truth behind UAP…. don’t you mean UFOs??

TTSA’s impressive original lineup featured the following members,

Christopher Mellon former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, former Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As a member of one of America’s wealthiest families he is great great grandson of Thomas Mellon founder of Mellon Bank.

Louis Elizondo former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent and former employee of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. A controversial yet popular figure in the UFO community, Elizondo claims to be the former director of the even more controversial and now defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a program associated with the Pentagon UFO videos.

Steve Justice is by far the most interesting and also one of the most elusive members of the crew. Former director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s ‘Skunk Works’, Steve seems like the guy that would know the most about what technology humans do and don’t have occupying our skies today.

Hal Puthoff a parapsychologist and engineer. He earned his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1967. An enigmatic figure associated with all manner of fringe science including an interest in the Church of Scientology in the late 1960s. Puthoff also ran the CIA associated organization SRI International, created to investigate paranormal abilities. Puthoff collaborated with Russell Targ in a study of the purported psychic abilities of Uri Geller, Ingo Swann, Pat Price, Joseph McMoneagle. In 1985, Puthoff founded a for-profit company, EarthTech International in Austin, Texas employing, among others Eric Davis.

Finally Jim Semivan another mysterious character who’s Linkedin page states a position within the Senior Intelligence Service from 1982 until retiring in 2007. Various articles claim Mr Semivan was employed with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations after 25 years working as an operations officer both overseas and domestically. He is said to have been a senior member of the CIA although nobody, including Mr. Semivan seems to have produced any documentation to support these statements.

Don’t say UFO

Very early on TTSA pointed out that the term ‘UFO’ had way too much stigma attached to it and even though it technically meant Unidentified Flying Object it was clear that the public zeitgeist associated the term with flying saucers and little green men. Nobody would take them seriously using such a loaded phrase, so they changed the term to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, a term, as we now know from the Condign Report published 20+ years earlier, that means something very very different indeed. Hrmmm.

Regardless of the ‘apparent’ confusion that could be caused by mixing such terminology together in the public realm, TTSA forged ahead releasing three videos they had allegedly received from within the Pentagon, apparently showing phenomena that was claimed to out-perform any technology currently in the US Military’s mighty arsenal.

A still frame from the now iconic ‘Gimbal’ UAP video.

On Dec 17th 2017 the media machine continued with the New York Times Article — Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’ by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean (who was also once a board member, along with Christopher Mellon, of the UFO tracking project UFODATA). The article claimed to blow the lid off secret government programs. It was full of all manner of juicy claims that catapulted TTSA and especially Mr. Luis Elizondo, a former CIA counter-intelligence employee, into the public eye.

I couldn’t help but notice the article headline started with the words ‘Glowing Auras’ which was a curious choice of words for an article that went on to talk about UFOs. That’s right, it didn’t mention the term ‘UAP’ once but it certainly associated the idea of the UFO with a headline that not only elicited imagery of glowing circles, it also used the term Black money, a phrase already associated with secret military contracts.

A focus on lights, orbs & tic-tacs

An artist’s rendering of the reported Tic-Tac event in 2004.

There’s no need to dive into all of the cases, stories and recent history of the last 5 years. The UFO community has examined, rehashed and picked apart every detail of every story. It has argued itself into a frenzy with warring tribes of the pro-disclosure faithful and the skeptical observers constantly fighting over every last word uttered. Meanwhile the media has happily aired any story from blurry triangles to haunted Utah ranches and the public is enjoying the fantastical ride.

What is important to note is the almost lock-step agreement in web-media, podcasts, news articles, documentaries and TV shows to unanimously use the word ‘Phenomena’ — documentary film maker James Fox even made a movie-length piece titled The Phenomenon. It’s as if the phrase UFO just jumped in it’s flying saucer and whizzed back to the galaxy it came from, never to be seen again.

Words matter, the devil is in the details and this detail just wont leave me alone. Phenomena, not object, phenomena, the word used to explicitly describe man-made and naturally occurring plasma-like…phenomena.

One of the now most famous of the modern ‘UAP’ stories is that of the 2004 ‘Tic-Tac’ event involving eye-witness veteran pilot Cmdr. David Fravor, who has told his story on the Joe Rogan podcast, FOX news, CNN and 60 minutes. While his story has also been picked apart by many in the UFO community, everyone agrees on what he claims he saw, a white ‘Tic-Tac’ shaped object. This event happened during a time period when the USS Princeton was testing it’s newly upgraded Aegis radar system. That system tracked multiple unidentified bogies and even captured one dropping from the ceiling height of the radar all the way down to 50ft above sea level in under a second.

Commander David Fravor tells his story on the Joe Rogan podcast

I can’t help but remember the Navy’s own LIPF Patent mentioned earlier in this article, that utilizes plasmas to create all range of decoys for radar and other targeting systems. It seems it would be the perfect technology to test a newly upgraded radar system in order to see if it were able to successfully track something travelling as fast as a Chinese or Russian hyper-sonic re-entry vehicle flying down from orbit at speeds in excess of 15,000mph.

It’s speculated that the LIPF technology can also create real world visual spoofs to confuse pilots. A white oval would seem to be the simplest shape to create — but that’s none of my business (sips some Lipton Tea).

We also have reports of near-miss events where pilots have witnessed odd shapes such as ‘A cube within a sphere’ which some people have pointed out may simply have been a radar reflector balloon.

Whether we believe what the pilots saw was aliens, highly advanced spoofing tech or even balloons is irrelevant, what matters here is the narrative…

Miraculous balls, orbs, ovals and even triangles are doing some pretty incredible things in the skies and we apparently have no idea what they are or where they come from.

As we dig deeper into the last five years we see witness testimonies of interacting with plasma-like orbs along with accounts of illness, injury and even death associated with people getting too close to them. It’s as if someone has gone looking for older UFO reports that fit the newer ‘phenomena’ characteristics and brought them to the forefront once more.

Somebody wants a lot of people to think about the phenomena of strange orbs, ovals, balls of fire and triangles. The devil is indeed in the details.

Leveraging a sympathetic community.

An audience attends a panel at the popular Contact in the Desert UFO conference

The UFO community has had a raw deal since day one. An unofficial worldwide congregation of millions who’s membership includes every walk of life from blue collar workers to the highest echelons of government and the scientific community. It’s a group that knows in it’s bones, that it has been lied to for at least 70+ years. I believe that conclusion is correct. Even so, the community desperately pushes forward to find answers to questions such as ‘What did I see? What happened to me? What does it all mean?’

There are very real consequences to the experiences of many in the UFO community who have seen their lives ruined, health adversely affected, and in some cases death from exposure to events nobody seems to be able to explain. They have been constantly targeted for manipulation by intelligence communities both foreign and domestic and they are treated as a never-ending cash cow by the story tellers and con artists who line up to sell books and conference tickets to anyone willing to place money on the offering plate.

Understandably the community is frustrated, angry and upset. They want answers and feel they are fighting an almost impenetrable wall of deception. Mocked and humiliated by the non-believers, they want their views to be taken seriously, they want to know that someone will stand up for them and finally deliver the truth so they can get closure. Many are convinced that the Government knows full well about alien craft and where they came from.

On April 19, 2019 right in the middle of the ongoing media frenzy covering the newly revived ‘UAP’ topic, a document was ‘leaked’ on the IMGUR image sharing web site. The document was reported to be a transcript of notes from a meeting between Admiral Thomas Ray Wilson, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Dr. Eric Davis, Chief Science Officer at EarthTech International, founded by Dr. Hal Puthoff (board member or TTSA).

Once again the endless arguing ensued over the authenticity of the newly unearthed document which seemed to appear at just the right time but with no concrete provenance. Again, to me it doesn’t really matter, what does matter is the message it was clearly designed to convey,

An unknown group has in it’s possession retrieved advanced technology & materials that it is reverse engineering and is keeping away from the highest officials in the Pentagon and the US Government.

The legend is an age-old favorite in the UFO community and with the ’leak’ of the Wilson Memo it got a real shot in the arm to make sure that it is front and center, especially for all the new UFO curious folks that have flooded onto the scene since the media machine started cranking in 2017.

Luis Elizondo, counter-intel & man of the people

Louis Elizondo

Despite the tumultuous ups and downs of the ill-fated TTSA, one former member has managed to weather the storm and continue to shepherd his following both within the UFO community and in the general public view. Appearing on seemingly any platform that will listen to his story, Luis Elizondo has pushed through and continued to deliver his message almost non-stop for the past 3 years.

Luis Elizondo is on brand! His public persona is more American than a Chevy Truck and seems just as durable come hell or high water. In interviews his charismatic personality has hosts eating out the palm of his hand, feeling like they want to sit down for a beer with him after the show. Like a politician running for senate his rhetoric makes questioning his motives tantamount to hating freedom and apple pie — he’s REALLY REALLY good at what he does.

According to this 2021 article in the Herald Tribune Mr. Elizondo double-majored in microbiology and immunology, with minors in chemistry and math from the University of Miami and quickly rose through intelligence community ranks. He would eventually report to the Secretary of Defense, the Office of National Intelligence and the White House. Yet he doesn’t want anyone to think he is particularly gifted or special, often referring to himself as ‘the dumbest guy in the room’ — he’s just like you and me.

Elizondo seems uncomfortable using the word Aliens, although he does seem comfortable recounting many aspects historical UFO…. I mean UAP lore while hinting, with a grin, ‘maybe there’s something to it.’ He leans into narratives that suggest ‘human races’ (maybe other human groups?) but never goes far enough to box himself into a corner by committing to a different species. The Elizondo carrot is always just out of reach, and like the Phenomena itself manages to evade a solid grasp or definition.

Despite his rather mystical rhetoric, Mr. Elizondo has proven to be a popular figurehead with a large section of the UFO crowd who consider him the point of the spear flying toward disclosure. His popularity has even inspired people to participate in the ‘Big Phone Home’ organized by the Unidentified Celebrity Review podcast host Luis Jimenez, which encouraged people to contact their local state senators to successfully push through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), H.R. 4350. Among other things, the NDAA mandates creation of a permanent office, under the Secretary of Defense, to deal with specified duties related to, you guessed it, ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.’

While the bill itself has had it’s problems and setbacks, it was viewed as a big step in the right direction and was considered a cause for celebration by many by the UFO faithful. The pressure is working just the way it is supposed to.

Crash retrieved metals, Nolan & Vallee

Samples of material from alleged UFO crash sites

‘Arts Parts’ are alleged debris from a UFO crash. Named after Art Bell the late host of Coast to Coast AM. Art acquired the metal in 1996, along with a handful of letters from an alleged sergeant in the United States Army who still remains anonymous to this day. The parts were passed on to colorful UFO investigator and matriarchal figure in UFOlogy Linda Moulton Howe. An award winning journalist, Howe has been cited as claiming the mysterious sergeant’s grandfather yanked the metal off a wedge-shaped craft that crashed in 1947 near the White Sands proving grounds in New Mexico. The parts were allegedly purchased from Howe by none other than Tom Delonge and TTSA in 2017 for an eye-opening $35,000. Moulton Howe and DeLonge both believed that, by blasting the metal with a specific energetic frequency, it will levitate.

There have been many claims of various artifacts collected over the decades from UFOs that have appeared in countries all over the planet. French Internet pioneer, computer scientist, venture capitalist, author, ufologist and astronomer Jacques Vallee has managed to gather quite a collection of pieces over the years and has presented many of them for analysis.

Another individual of notable professional achievements, Dr. Garry Nolan has worked alongside Vallee to try and determine the structure and composition of some of the metals that have fallen from the skies. He has released some of his findings and been quite reserved in pointing out that, while the isotope ratios and composition of the materials are unusual, he resists the temptation to declare them alien in origin. There is ongoing debate within the community as to whether the manufacturing processes required to make the ultra fine layered bismuth magnesium ‘sandwich’ structure found in some of the materials are even possible on Earth.

Dr. Garry Nolan and Jacques Vallee discuss the sample of retrieved metals

But are these metals simply highly exotic? Could they have been made in specialized manufacturing conditions, zero-gravity for example? Made for a specific purpose by a group of very smart people with a lot of resources and privacy? Again the devil is in the details and the language appears to state that these materials couldn’t be manufactured ‘on Earth’ rather than the materials not being specifically ‘from Earth’. Nolan has acknowledged that it is certainly possible to alter isotope ratios in magnesium but at great cost.

Dr. Nolan is also contributing to the current UAP concerns in other ways. He states he was approached by the CIA to examine medical records and brain scans of defense, governmental personnel and people working in the aerospace industry; people doing government-level work who have been exposed to UAP in various ways. In a Vice interview Dr. Nolan states,

‘Then they started showing the MRIs of some of these pilots and ground personnel and intelligence agents who had been damaged. The MRIs were clear. You didn’t even have to be an MD to see that there was a problem. Some of their brains were horribly, horribly damaged.’

‘We started to notice that there were similarities in what we thought was the damage across multiple individuals. As we looked more closely, though, we realized, well, that can’t be damaged, because that’s right in the middle of the basal ganglia [a group of nuclei responsible for motor control and other core brain functions]. If those structures were severely damaged, these people would be dead. That was when we realized that these people were not damaged, but had an over-connection of neurons between the head of the caudate and the putamen’

Dr. Nolan also points out that some injuries go deep into the brain and have similarities to injuries related to Havana syndrome. I can’t help but notice this is starting to sound like the kind of injury you would expect from exposure to high-power focused energy and the radiation emitted from it.

Again we see connections to plasma and extremely high energy emissions causing tissue damage and perhaps even mutations. Could these symptoms be similar those experienced by the test pilots in the early days of stealth development?

We also notice the UFO community drawing conclusions along these lines ‘People with over-connection of neurons between the head of the caudate and the putamen seem to experience UAP’

instead of, ‘A percentage of people who have experienced UAP, exhibit over-connection of neurons between the head of the caudate and the putamen’.

Which truly came first, the dense neurons or the UAP?

Jim Semivan and the GAO

A name that keeps popping up over and over again is Jim Semivan, another board member of To The Stars Academy who claims to have had a long career in the CIA. Although Mr. Semivan has never provided any documentation to prove his career in the CIA he does appear in congressional records from 1997 under the Department of Information and also has connections to First.Gov and the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

I found it especially interesting that the same office, the GAO, has specific language included in the recently established Intelligence Authorization Act.

In this Tweet by D. Dean Johnson @ddeanjohnson he points out that the House Intel committee requires GAO historical study of IC UAP activity, including a clause not seen in the Senate version:

“efforts to recover or transfer related technologies to United States-based industry or National Laboratories.”

This language gives us a clue as to the GAO’s motivations, it seems they want to get their hands on something they consider the rightful property of the United States Government, as though it has been taken from them, a grail removed from it’s rightful place.


Just one more thing

Peter Falk as Detective Columbo from NBC 1971

70+ years of research into plasma physics has created sci-fi-like developments through the use of high-energy lasers, ionized fields and plasma for decoys, counter-measures, drag and signature reduction, directed high velocity energy weapons, hyper-sonic missiles even talking plasma balls and plasma shields.

Since 2017 we have seen a well funded, coordinated push from a focused group with ties to the U.S. intelligence community and Government Accountability Office using media & social media to brand the idea of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena into the minds of the general public. This narrative has been carefully managed to focus on balls, ovals, lights and triangles that move through the heavens in ways that seem beyond the capabilities of anything created by humans. These unusual shapes move in ways that mimic behavior also witnessed in naturally occurring high-energy phenomena, yet are seemingly under intelligent control.

Are we being told that the UFO doesn’t look like a spaceship any more? Is it now something that mimics nature, something more ethereal than corporeal?

The recent UAP media campaign has been used to apply public pressure to ensure military branches remove the stigma associated with reporting sightings of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The motivation is to make it much more acceptable to talk openly about witnessing such unexplainable events.

The campaign has also pressured congress to pass specific laws that require regular reports from many branches of the IC and military regarding UAP activities. More importantly it includes language specifically geared to ‘recover or transfer related technologies to United States-based industry or National Laboratories’.

Retrieved technology, but from where?

Popular opinion asserts that in the mid 1940’s (just after the end of WW2), the US came into possession of some sort of highly advanced technology from somewhere. Technology built on processes that were far beyond the United States’ own understanding at the time. Some of that captured technology was then handed off to private corporation(s) or groups to reverse engineer in the hope it would one day be used by America in many beneficial ways.

In recent years we have witnessed accomplished scientists examining artifacts that have been collected over the decades, some said to be from special ‘gifting grounds’ or even dripping like mana from phenomena hovering or flying overhead. Their findings point to materials consisting of very advanced compositions that hint at possible waveguide uses and isotopic ratios that are deemed very costly to make on Earth. There are claims that these metamaterials display levitating properties when exposed to high-energy frequencies, perhaps in the terahertz range.

We also have scientists investigating documented medical data of people in government and military positions who are claimed to have witnessed UAP at a close range. This data hints at serious bodily injuries including physical marks, scarring and even potential mutations in brain structure. There’s even talk of these special brain mutations having a connection with the appearance of UAP to these blessed or perhaps cursed individuals. However symptoms such as these do also seem similar to the effects you would expect to see when people are exposed to extremely high electromagnetic concentrations.

Historical accounts tell of expeditions of large military contingents heading down to Antarctica in 1946, apparently taking heavy casualties in an area that was considered, by the Nazis to be a ‘promised land’ named New Swabia. An area of the planet not especially far from the proven favorite country of exile for many fleeing Nazis at the end of the war, a fascist sympathetic Argentina. We also know not all of the Nazis who escaped Europe at the end of WW2 ended up in exile. Operation Paperclip saw hundreds of top Nazi Scientists and doctors from many disciplines repatriated into Russia, the UK and the US where they were absorbed into not only NASA and the intelligence community but also many private military contract programs.

In 1961 a departing US President who had been rumored to meet and attempt to strike deals with a ‘group’, warned the world about the dangers, power and influence of private organizations with the ability to design and implement the most advanced and lethal technologies known (and not known) to mankind.

What has really been covered up?

We have thousands of accounts from all over the world of sightings of aerial phenomena appearing, disappearing and moving in ways that we have been told are not of human origin. Countless citizens and service-people have been killed, suffered physical injuries and potential mutations that fall in line with symptoms of exposure to high-energy systems. It would seem that using such extreme technologies in and around unknowing victims, causing all manner of harm, would be the behavior of highly irresponsible and callous operators. Are factions within the military and intelligence communities using such a technology in illegal ways? Have they been hiding this technology for their own use for decades? Have other groups now caught up?

By now you may have already started drawing your own line through these dots and considered that we may be witnessing group(s) that have profited from, and continue to use, highly advanced yet extremely harmful technologies strictly for their own ends. Technologies derived from ‘retrieved-yet-not-understood’ research captured by Allied forces not long after the end of the Second World War. Technology from an enemy thought to have been completely defeated. An enemy whose greatest scientific, medical and psychological talent was brought home to America, Russia & the UK only to be empowered once more.

Were the allies blinded to the risks by the potential of what they could gain from their spoils of war and the skills of their new employees?

We know this talent was ingested into the heart of our public and private intelligence, defense and aerospace programs, but with it also came the infection of poisonous ideologies. A cancer that may have found a new place to fester and spread once more, growing in dark rooms, hidden away from public view where wealth and power continue to corrupt the minds of brilliant men as it has for centuries.

Have the supposed victors of WW2 lost control of some of the most powerful technologies of all time? Are those technologies, today in the hands of groups with ideologies and histories that have created some of the greatest atrocities the modern world has ever known?

Have military and intelligence communities participated in the greatest technology cover-up of all time?

I think so.

