You Have More Power Than You Think

Griffin Motor App
3 min readApr 6, 2020


#StayStrong my friends

Dear friends and customers,

I hope you are doing well.

In times like these, we need to dig deep inside ourselves to find strength and patience to overcome the pandemic and its effects on our families and community.

Little did we know that the world would come to a lock down, when we launched the “Griffin Motor App” about two months ago. It is certainly not the best time for a product launch. Yet, we are more determined than ever to serve our customers in the best possible way.

As we restrict our movements and reduce our commute to protect our families, many of us are driving a lot less. Others among us are under financial pressure after businesses and jobs were affected by the pandemic. It is best to think about how to save? In line with our mission to provide flexible covers and more power over your insurance policy, Griffin offers different ways to save on your insurance:

  1. You are working remotely and your car is parked day in and day out, then pause or downgrade your existing policy and save on those days you are not driving. You may upgrade later when activity is back to normal.
  2. You still have to drive but prefer to save on your policy, then short term covers are great to reduce your expenses and pay a minimum in order to get on the road safely.
  3. You want to purchase a one year insurance cover but prefer to pay over a period of time, then installment payments can help reduce your monthly expenses.
  4. You want to earn more, then share our app with your friends and get rewards up to Kes 500 if you referral purchases a policy. So don’t be shy, share the love!

Trust that we are here for you and we are ready to support you contact-free. Over the past few weeks, we have taken the following decisions to solve some of the problems our customers are facing:

  • Our team has successfully moved fully into remote working. All our operations are conducted digitally and all our services are 100% operational. You may reach us for all your car insurance and emergency needs 24/7
  • All our insurance certificates and relevant policy documents are delivered and signed digitally to our customers.
  • Valuation for comprehensive insurance policies is done at the place of your choice and with the least contact with your car. Our agents will also sanitise any areas that come into contact with them.
  • In case of repairs following a claim, we will clean and sanitise your car before it is returned back to you.

Moreover, our team will dedicate our social media accounts to report verified information on the state of the Corona virus pandemic in Kenya to keep you informed in these difficult times.

From our side, nothing will stop us. Our team will also continue to work on improving our app and bring you the best customer experience. We are currently fixing bugs and working on new features and we can’t wait to share them with you.

In case you need anything, don’t hesitate getting in touch through the app or any of our contacts below.

The Griffin Team

You have more power than you think.



Griffin Motor App

The Griffin Motor App is redefining insurance in Kenya. It is SMART; Simple, Mobile, Automated, Reliable and Transparent.