Block Permanently the referer spam bots and fake Russian pro Trump visits

Luigi Maselli
4 min readDec 17, 2016


You had a spike in visits to Google Analytics? Congratulations! But are you sure they are real users? In this post we’ll see how to separate FINALLY the human users from spam bots, fraudulent visits and more.

#makeAnalyticsGreatAgain ! Before and after the SPAM Bots blocking

Nowdays SPAM Bots are very smart and aggressive, their background noise can be a proble in certain situations because their fake traffic can pollute your stats via JavaScript. Their visits are hard to detect because they can simulate fake referral, fake pageview and fake time spent on your site!

Google Analytics has become useless

The default configuration of the most widely used analysis tool is practically unusable. When nearly half of the displayed data is caused by fictitious visits virtually we’re just wasting our time looking at irrelevant charts.

What is the solution?

There is not no solution, because all it does a human on the internet can be simulated before or later (yes even read the captchas), what you can do is find tradeoffs to identify an actual visit.

  • Do you want to block the visits from Russia and China? You’re a fool, but if you have a local site of a pizzeria it could be enough.
  • You want to block spam domains? You’re a fool, it seems incredible that many experienced marketing / seo / data analyst suggest as a “solution” to block by hands the bad domains! Spammers generate them automatically.
  • You want to identify bots? here it is.

Whichever route you decide to take you will have some limitations with false positives and false negatives. The road took a lot of web giants is to let the user do an action on your site .. for example the “Click to read the article,” in fact the Article is already on the page, but partially hidden. This technique allows to separate the visits.

In fact any user interaction on the page can be used separate the visits, and the most simple and less invasive is the scroll event, because in the vast majority of the sites scrolling is the action that normally the users do in both desktop computers and mobile.

So the first step is to identify the “scroll event” and then send it to Google Analytics

// Executed once, the first time the user scrolls
function scrollCheck(ev) {
// “Scroll” is the event type
ga ( ‘send’, ‘event’, “scroll”, JSON.stringify (ev, null, 2))
document.removeEventListener ( ‘scroll’, scrollCheck)

// “Document” and “ga” code Should be ready here
document.addEventListener ( ‘scroll’, scrollCheck)

At this point you should see in realtime console

It works. In this scenario of 28 users only 5 are true visits

Now you can decide to stop and use the tab events or you can go further and create a conversion, so you can filter the “scroll conversion” in the other features of Analytics

Well if you have done correctly the procedure now you can again enjoy your correct statistics. The only thing you have to do is filter out the “goal scroll” from the “advanced settings” when you want to see the “real data”.

“Greater than 1” is just a value because it needs one

Now, the maps tab, referral languages ​​.. will show ONLY the data that generated a real “goal scroll”.

Goodbye, до свидания!

  • Secret.ɢ You are invited! Enter this URL only with tickets. Copy it. Vote for Trump!
  • Vitaly rules google :. ☆ ゜ ゚ · ヽ (^ ᴗ ^) ノ · ゜ ゚.: ☆ _ (ツ) / ¯ (ಠ 益 ಠ) (ಥ‿ಥ) (ʘ‿ʘ) ლ (ಠಠ ლ) (͡ ° ° ͜ʖ ͡) ヽ (゚ Д ゚) ノ ʕ • ̫͡ • ʔᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ (= ^ ^ =) oO
  • search shell is much better than google!
    PS: of course if everyone used as a scroll event bots could emulate that too .. so be creative :)

If you liked the article share and link well and cites the source :)

This post was originally published in italian on my blog.

