Published inPaperpostsWonders from Atelier ÉditionsSo it’s been a long time since I posted, and have a backlog for sure, but I had to get these up. I recently picked up two books from…May 29, 2021May 29, 2021
Published inPaperpostsDiscovered a new small press: Timglaset EditionsRecently discovered the wonderful small press Timglaset editions from Malmö in Sweden. Lovely range of concrete poetry and other forms of…Oct 4, 2020Oct 4, 2020
Published inPaperpostsSome U&lc.As promised here are a few pics from the copies of U&lc. that I picked up a few weeks back.Jul 18, 2020Jul 18, 2020
Published inPaperpostsThe 1957 Penrose Annual — a graphic design time capsuleI know it’s been a long time since I posted, but hey, quite a lot has been going on over the last few months ;)Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
Published inDesign, Strategy, Data & PeoplePosts from a previous lifeSix months ago I left Qlik. I’d spent almost 8.5 years with them and they’d taken me from London to Malmö, on to Copenhagen and then to…Dec 28, 2019Dec 28, 2019
Published inPaperpostsThe vast A-Z of The Designers RepublicI’ve had this a while and finally gotten around to posting it. Mostly because there’s so much of it! AZTDR or A-Z of The Designers…Dec 21, 2019Dec 21, 2019
Published inPaperpostsBaselineI was digging through my library and found four issues of Baseline. I’d forgotten how good it was! The issues are from 1999, 2004 and 2…Dec 1, 2019Dec 1, 2019
Published inPaperpostsGlorious screen printed goodness from Red Fox PressA while back I managed to snag a copy of Franticham’s Los Angeles Palmtrees from Red Fox Press. I’m a huge fan and this beautifully screen…Aug 10, 2019Aug 10, 2019
Published inPaperpostsThis book certainly makes me happyI Declare a Permanent State of Happiness is a stunning piece by Kenneth Goldsmith produced by Urtext, under the imprint Eris (originally…Feb 3, 2019Feb 3, 2019
Published inPaperpostsAre we still feeling fine?It’s been well over a decade since Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar created the We Feel Fine project. This book of the project is from 2009…Jan 27, 2019Jan 27, 2019