Because of the Heat Wave

Grimm Lamont
5 min readMar 22, 2022


The heat wave that spring semester is in the history books now. As the usually pristine lawns dried to a crisp, the student body was forced to figure out ways to stay cool. For all the wealth and resources these places pool, there was a serious lack of AC.

My room was the only one on the floor with a fire escape, so I opened the massive emergency window wide that day. It faced southward, toward an expanse of manicured wilderness the school kept. Emma and I sat in bean bag chairs facing the window, shirtless and in our panties.

I tried not to look, but she was beautiful, especially with the glittering sheen of sweat hugging her body. She was soft, with broad shoulders from playing on the softball team. She wore a black sports bra that her chest spilled out of, with pink and white striped boy shorts. Her dark hair was in a messy knot that lay askew at the top of her head, which accentuated her angular face and strong jawline.

We had been flirting on an off, catching each other after showers and such. She would comment on just how beautiful I looked before I went out Friday nights. I would find myself touching her arms when we spoke, noticing the firmness of her strong arms and shoulders.

I looked at her for a long time, taking it all in, until she caught me.

She looked up at me, meeting my eyes with a devilish glance. I adjusted my position, crossing my arms in front of my body. I felt she was judging just how type A I was, considering the matching black lingerie set I was wearing. I only wore sports bras for sporting occasions, like Black Friday or Finals Week. .

“Do you have a crush on me or something?” She shifted in the chair to face me. Anyone else would have looked awkward, but she looked commanding.

“Sorry, I zoned out for a bit. “Of course she knew how I felt about her, I couldn’t help the ways my eyes traced her as she passed in the hall, as she smiled and talked to her friends on the lawn in front of our housing. My gaydar was impressively terrible, but with her I felt an electric charge. I was tired of being to shy to move.

“Don’t be sorry. I’ve been trying to keep from looking at your cute little matching set,” she teased.

Emma took a fistful of the bean bag under me and pulled it forward effortlessly. I had to stop myself from falling into her.

“I think it may be too hot to wear anything, especially when I look at you.” Her voice was low and conspiratorial, like she would tell me a secret if I asked nicely.

I felt my face flush as I nodded. “How hot do I make you feel?”

“Let me show you.” She took my face in her hands and pulled me close. She stuck her thumb in my mouth. I couldn’t move for a second, but she looked at me steadily and expectantly. I sucked on her thumb. She smiled, an evil little grin that quickened my breath. She took her thumb from my mouth to hers and swirled her tongue around it. Then she reached over and played with my nipple through the tight spandex of my sports bra.

“So, you want me to take control?” She said, keeping her steady gaze on me. Her eyes were like fire, and I felt her gaze shoot through my body.

“I want you to do whatever you want to me.”

She kneeled on the floor and spread my knees until my moistening panties were in full view. “I want to taste your pussy, would you like that?”

I smiled at her and pulled my panties to the side. “I’m game if you are,” I said.

She started on my left thigh, rubbing her pillow lips against the smoothness of my skin. She slowly dragged her lips toward my shaved pussy lips. I held my lips open, making my clit stand at throbbing attention, like I had seen in a porn once.

She gave my clit one moistening lick, and then started at my right knee, same rhythm. I couldn’t help but play with myself with one finger, but after a few seconds she swatted it away.

When she got back to my center, she spent a little time moistening my outer folds first, sucking gently on the skin, stroking her tongue so found all the little hidden places. I kept holding it open for her and I felt my cunt twitch from the wetness and the hot breeze that drifted in through the window.

Then she took my clit in her mouth. She must had seduced girls before me; she controlled me like a marionette as she sucked. She would pull and my whole body would tense toward her, and then she would open her mouth and lick and my body would relax into the chair. She looked up at me as she sped up, matching her pressure with the rhythm of my breath. She pulled away to say “Keep that pussy open for me baby,” and then went back to pleasing my hard little clit. She slid two fingers into my wetness , finding the ridge of my g-spot and ramming into it.

I was shaking then, letting out ragged breaths mixed in with low moans. She stopped, spat on her hand, and then finger fucked me even faster, tenderly playing with my clit with her tongue. I felt hot pressure building.

I started to squirt, and she backed her face from my clit but kept pounding me with two fingers. I heard the noise as I splattered across her face and chest for a few seconds, bucking and closing my eyes. When I was done cumming, I leaned forward and took her head in my hands. I pushed her head to the side and licked her exposed neck clean, tasting myself.

“Much better than AC,” She said breathily. I laughed and brought her mouth to mine.

That semester stretched on leisurely, and with my pussy being serviced the way Emma did, I think about her often when I feel pangs of arousal. There’s nothing like your first time with a woman.



Grimm Lamont

Horny Queer Writer trying to make it in the big leagues. LGBTQ+ erotic/romance stories in Sci-fi and Fantasy worlds.