Top Face Recognition APIs 2024

Mark Lewin
6 min readMar 14, 2024

Mark Lewin. Lifelong Learner offers cloud-based API for developers looking to integrate facial recognition capabilities into their applications. It’s not a big project like Face++ or Microsoft Azure but I see that these guys are becoming more and more popular that’s why I decided to include them in this list.

Core Functionalities

  • Facial recognition
  • Face detection
  • Face comparison
  • Face verification
  • Face search
  • Emotion recognition
  • Age and gender detection
  • Liveness detection


  • Free plan. The free plan allows you to make a certain number of API requests per month. This limit is typically around 500 requests. You’ll have access to all functionalities like face detection, face verification, face search, and even to advanced features like facial attribute analysis (age, gender), liveness detection, and so on.
  • Easy Integration: boasts comprehensive API documentation that clearly outlines available functions, parameters, and expected responses. This detailed documentation makes it easier for developers to understand how to use the API effectively within their applications. In addition to documentation, offers a wealth of code samples and tutorials. These resources showcase practical examples of how to use the API for common tasks, providing a roadmap for developers during the integration process.


  • Cloud dependence. Since is a cloud-based solution, your application will rely on their service availability and internet connectivity.
  • Pricing considerations. offers various pricing plans based on usage and features. To find the most cost-effective option for your project, carefully consider their options and estimate the number of facial recognition requests your application will generate. High-volume usage may incur significant costs, so planning for future growth is essential. So if your project is growing, you’ll need to write the technical support to learn the price.

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Rekognition is a cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) that uses computer vision technology to analyze images and videos. It allows you to extract information and insights from your visual data without needing machine learning expertise.

Core Functionalities

Image and video analysis:

  • Recognize objects and scenes
  • Identify celebrities
  • Detect and extract text in various languages from images
  • Flag inappropriate, violent, or explicit content in images

Facial analysis:

  • Face detection
  • Face comparison
  • Age and gender detection (availability depends on pricing tier)


  • Highly scalable and accurate. Amazon Rekognition is a cloud-based service that offers a wide range of features for analyzing images and videos. Rekognition is known for its accuracy and ability to handle large volumes of data.
  • Supports a wide range of deep learning-based features. Rekognition offers a comprehensive set of features including object and scene detection, facial analysis, image and video classification, celebrity recognition, and text in images.


  • Can be expensive for high-volume use cases. While Rekognition offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, costs can add up quickly if you are processing a large number of images and videos.
  • Learning curve. Using Rekognition effectively can require some technical expertise and an understanding of its capabilities and limitations. So, if you’re a business owner, for example, and you want to integrate Amazon Rekognition, you’ll need a highly skilled developer.

Microsoft Azure Face API

Azure Face API is a cloud-based service offered by Microsoft that provides developers with algorithms for detecting, recognizing, and analyzing human faces in images. It leverages state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) to perform these tasks.

Core Functionalities

  • Face detection
  • Face verification
  • Face identification
  • Face grouping
  • Face analysis


  • Scalability and cloud-based. Azure Face API leverages Microsoft’s robust cloud infrastructure, allowing you to scale your application’s facial recognition needs effortlessly.
  • Ease of use. The API provides well-documented tools for various programming languages, making it relatively simple to integrate facial recognition features into your projects.


  • Cost. While there’s a free tier, high-volume projects can incur significant costs. Azure Face API charges per transaction, so frequent use can add up quickly.
  • Limited customization. The API offers pre-built features like face detection and verification, but these might not be adaptable for every specific need. If your project requires a highly customized approach, Azure Face API might not be the most suitable solution.


Face++ is an open platform developed by Megvii, a Chinese company specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision technologies. It offers a variety of features centered around facial recognition and analysis.

Core Functionalities

  • Face detection
  • Face recognition
  • Face verification
  • Age and gender detection (availability may depend on pricing tier).
  • Liveness detection


  • Scalability and performance. The API leverages Megvii’s cloud infrastructure to handle large-scale image and video processing efficiently.
  • Customization. Compared to some competitors, Face++ offers a more customizable API, allowing developers to tailor functionalities to specific needs.


  • Limited transparency. Compared to some competitors, Face++ might not provide as much detailed information about their underlying algorithms and how they achieve facial recognition. This lack of transparency can raise concerns about bias and fairness in the results.
  • Documentation and support. User reviews suggest that Face++’s documentation and support might be less comprehensive compared to some other facial recognition APIs. This can make it more challenging to learn and integrate the API into your project.


OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a powerful and versatile library brimming with functions and algorithms for real-time computer vision tasks. Originally developed by Intel, it’s now a collaborative open-source project with a thriving community.

Core Functionalities

  • Face detection
  • Facial landmark detection
  • Face recognition algorithms like Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, Local Binary Patterns Histograms (LBPH)


  • Customizability and control. OpenCV offers a rich library of functions for image processing, machine learning, and computer vision. This granular control allows you to tailor the facial recognition process to your specific needs. You can build custom algorithms, train your own facial recognition models, and fine-tune parameters for optimal performance in your use case.
  • Integration with other libraries. OpenCV integrates seamlessly with other popular open-source libraries like Python’s NumPy and Scikit-learn. This allows you to leverage these tools for data manipulation, machine learning tasks, and other aspects of your facial recognition project.


  • More development effort. Building a complete facial recognition system with OpenCV requires more development work. You’ll need to handle tasks like face detection, feature extraction, model training, and recognition logic. Specialized APIs provide pre-built functionalities, simplifying development.
  • Limited features. OpenCV’s facial recognition capabilities might be more basic compared to specialized tools. You might not find features like facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotions) or liveness detection readily available.


Kairos is a cloud-based facial recognition API (Application Programming Interface) that offers a compelling set of features for developers looking to integrate facial recognition into their applications.

Сore Functionalities

  • Face detection
  • Facial recognition
  • Age and gender detection (availability depends on pricing tier)
  • Similarity matching
  • Liveness detection (paid plans only)


  • User-friendly API. Kairos prides itself on a well-documented and easy-to-use API. This allows developers to integrate facial recognition features into their projects without needing extensive expertise in computer vision.
  • High accuracy. Kairos delivers strong performance in facial recognition tasks, often cited for its accuracy by users. This is crucial for applications where reliable identification is paramount.


  • Cost. Unlike OpenCV’s free, open-source nature, Kairos operates on a paid subscription model. This can be a cost consideration, especially for hobbyists, startups, or projects with budget constraints.
  • Limited customization. While Kairos offers various functionalities, it might not provide the same level of customization as building a system from scratch with OpenCV. This could be a limitation if your project has unique requirements or demands a high degree of control over the facial recognition pipeline.


In conclusion, here are some key factors developers should consider before choosing a face recognition API:

  • Required features. Identify the specific functionalities you need for your project. This could include face detection, recognition, verification, facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotions), liveness detection (verifying real people vs. photos/videos), and more.
  • Ease of integration. Evaluate the API’s documentation for your preferred programming languages.
  • Security. Facial recognition involves sensitive data. Choose an API that prioritizes data security with robust encryption practices and adherence to relevant data privacy regulations.
  • Pricing structure. Carefully examine the API’s pricing plans. Consider factors like pay-as-you-go options, tiered pricing based on usage or features, and potential discounts for high-volume usage.
  • Support and community. Evaluate the quality of support offered by the API provider. A helpful and responsive support team can be invaluable during development and troubleshooting.

What is your list of top face recognition APIs? Share in the comments!

