3 Ways To Boost Longevity Of Your Car’s Engine

Grind Lays
3 min readApr 26, 2016


At the core of every car — small, big or large, is an engine. The engine is to a car what a heart is to us humans. And just like the human heart has several parts that ensure proper functioning, there are car engine parts which do the same for a car. Malfunctioning engines is the last you want to deal with ever. Major problems can even bring your car to its grave early. The fundamental necessity of a properly functioning vehicle is a good engine that works the way it is supposed to. It is upto you — the car owner — to maintain and keep the vehicle well tuned and serviced to ensure that the vehicle runs throughout its intended lifetime. Some tried and tested tips that will keep your car in perfect condition are listed here, take a look.

1. Clean Spark Plug At Every Tune Up

The spark plug is among the most important car engine parts. It ignites the fuel and air mixture and causes the combustion which drives the car. The plugs are connected to the distributor which supplies electric power and the ‘spark’ end is where the magic happens. Ideally, you should have the spark plug checked at every tune up and ideally replace if you see signs of discoloration or damage. Pay special attention to the spark plug if it is made of copper. Platinum can stay in good working condition longer but it cannot be left in disrepair for long. If the spark plug doesn’t work properly there will be no ignition!

car engine parts

2. Check Timing Belts And Chains

The cylinder valves need to be aligned with the pistons perfectly every time in order for the engine to work. This is maintained with the help of a timing belt which keeps everything synchronized just the way it is supposed to be, without it the cylinders and pistons won’t align and the engine will come to a halt. Also it can damage the piston ring, which is another expensive repair you don’t want. Thankfully, the timing belt and chain are quite durable and can last easily for the better part of 95,000 to 150,000 kilometers. In rare cases the belts and chains may show signs of damage. Get it checked for timing and synchronization. This is one of those car engine parts which are very costly to replace or repair. Be sure to keep checking for its perfect condition every time you take the car for a tune up.

3. Take It Easy During Start Ups

The engine takes some time to warm up and for oil to be circulating well within the engine parts. During the time when the car was stationary, the oil dripped off and got deposited in the oil pan, so basically the parts are not well lubricated during start up. An aggressive start up revving routine will surely wear out the parts sooner than you imagined. No matter what your neighbor does, do not rev the car right away after start up. Ideally, wait for at least 30 seconds for the oil lubrication mechanism to start working.

Finally, do not worry much about the normal wear and tear of the engine. No matter how hard you try you are going to have to spend money on normal upkeep. Take good care of your car and drive it like you love it.



Grind Lays

The company has it’s own in-house engine experts and technicians team for producing reliable and high-quality products.