Why and What is Generative Art?

Mauro Grizia
3 min readApr 25, 2024

Hello everyone! My name’s Mauro, and I want to share with you my journey discovering the world of generative art. Let’s start with the beginning, the motivation.

Why Generative art?

Have you ever marveled at how much energy kids have on those little bodies? Maybe it’s because they’re bursting with emotion that needs an outlet! While on the D&D alignment I wasn’t exactly chaotic, I always harbored a strong desire for self-expression. Growing up, the emphasis on my education was often on developing the logical side of my brain, a path I readily embraced without complains. Solving puzzles and thinking outside the box brought me immense satisfaction — that “aha!” moment when everything clicked was truly rewarding.

But the thing with dedicating oneself to only one part of you is that it will never be 100% fulfilling. I did feed my creative side from time to time, I learned the basics of to play guitar and saxophone, but when I had to compromise, I always chose to focus on intellectual activities or sports. That’s why my desire for self-expression stayed dormant during college and my first years of work experience.

Fast forward to today, and while web development offered its own kind of satisfaction, the artistic yearning remained. Singing lessons rekindled that creative fire for a while, and joining a choir felt like a step in the right direction. However, the demand to interpret another people’s emotions through their languages wasn't quite what I was searching for.

That's when I stumbled upon the fascinating world of generative art. It was a revelation! Here was a perfect balance between my technical background and my search for self expression.

What is Generative art?

Generative art is a form of art which uses code to create beautiful, multimedia artworks. That being beautiful pixel-perfect images and animations or sensational pieces of music.

Unlike traditional art forms where the artist has complete control, generative art allows for a beautiful collaboration between human intention and the unpredictable nature of randomness. Some even use AI to create artworks (more on that on future entries).

One think that’s peculiar about generative art is that you don’t need expensive materials to start. As long as you have a computer with internet connection, you can delve into this world.

This piece, following Bruno Imbizi’s tutorials, was one of my first creations. I remember seeing another variation of this work and feeling entranced by it. “I want to try it!”, I said. I just love the energy emanating from this piece.

It felt so rewarding developing the code to make this piece that playing with more variations with different colors, line sizes and positioning was a no-brainier for me. After the first intellectual reward of solving the art problem, came the constant stimuli of seeing the vibrant colors come to life. What’s not to love about this!?

Generative art goes beyond creating static images. It allows for other multimedia with potentially interactive experiences, ever-evolving pieces, and an art form that pushes the boundaries of traditional creation. Imagine using code to design fashion prints, create dynamic music compositions, or even generate unique architectural structures – the possibilities are truly endless!

As you can see, generative art offers a unique and ever-evolving space for creative expression. I hope you’re excited as I am and join me on this exploration! If you'd like to see more of my work, on my Instagram at @maurogrizia I upload all my newest artworks.

Feel free to message me with recommendations for future posts and even future project ideas!

