Tintern Abbey, Glastonbury, and Wells

Jerry Lucas
2 min readJul 11, 2011


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]oday had us on the road again: this time to Wales and Tintern Abbey as our first stop, followed by Glastonbury, and finally Wells. It was a long day, but a beautiful one. The weather cooperated for most of the day, providing us spectacular 360° views from Glastonbury’s Tor.

Even though this is my first time there, it’s kind of a must-see if you’re a student of English Literature — the abbey at Tintern that Wordsworth made famous.

[quote]How oft, in spirit, have I turned to thee,
O sylvan Wye! thou wanderer thro’ the woods,
How often has my spirit turned to thee![/quote]

The abbey was a treat, and though we didn’t have time to climb the hills above the abbey to see the view that inspired the father of the English Romantic poets, Tintern Abbey made its impression.

Unlike Tintern Abbey, I have been to Glastonbury before. On Xmas eve of 1999, I climbed to see the Tor; there’s even pixelated proof. The weather then, too, was beautiful, but a bit cooler than it was today. They were even celebrating something at the abbey today, so we were able to get in free. We ended our brief stay in Glastonbury by climbing the eastern face of the hill up to the Tor. Magnificent.

Wales and Glastonbury pretty much took care of the day, but we wanted to see Wells’ Cathedral before heading back to London. It was impressive, and we were able to view it as the sun set on a beautiful day.

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Check out the galleries: Tintern Abbey, Glastonbury, and Wells.



Jerry Lucas

A husband to @AuLu, BMW driver, runner, educator, and iconoclast. Interested in literature, technology, photography, and healthy living.