Make Useful Notes. Review and Revise Your Notes.

A framework for taking smart notes. From Make Useful Notes.

Edmund Gröpl
1 min readOct 26, 2023
Sketchnote by author

For me Smart Sketchnotes are networked visuals. I use my notes from Zettelkasten and extend them with sketchnotes. As I learned from Niklas Luhmann, it is best practice to write my notes down in my own words. But why not use sketchnotes for capturing ideas? Visual thinking always provides an additional perspective for my personal understanding of the idea in focus.

„Surprisingly,” while using this method I could see a gap between note and sketchnote in a first draft.

So, I established a small process to build up coherence:

  1. Review your ideas. Sketched what you wrote? Wrote what you sketched?
  2. Check Coherence.
  3. Re-sketch and re-write.

The result is an even better note and also sketchnote. The dual view brings value to my slip-box with permanent notes.

What’s your strategy to improve your own writing?

Thanks very much! I really appreciate you reading my work. If you enjoyed it and found it useful, you might also like the related book “MAKE USEFUL NOTES. A simple guide to a complex skill by using Sketchnotes, Obsidian and Zettelkasten”. Here’s your free copy



Edmund Gröpl

Data Scientist and Data Storyteller. Talks about #smartsketchnotes and #datastories.