Make Useful Notes. Use Tags.

A framework for taking smart notes. From Make Useful Notes.

Edmund Gröpl
2 min readOct 25, 2023
Sketchnote by author

I’ve learned that tags are best thought of as specially designated search terms [33]. I choose using tags for Zettelkasten with two different goals in mind:

  • to build up an index
  • to define clusters

Both methods of tagging support further searching:

  • The terms in my index are leading me to important entry points in the slip-box.
  • The terms which define clusters are leading me to a number of similar notes that belong together.

While tags for indexing should link only a few important notes, the entry points for further investigation, the tags for clustering connect larger groups of notes with similar focus.

What‘s your preferred strategy for tagging? And what‘s your benefit from using it? If you like to share your insights or questions, please join the discussion at Forum Obsidian. [34]


[33] Gröpl, Edmund. ‘How to Use Tags’. _Obsidian Forum_, 5 April 2022. [](
[34] Obsidian Forum. ‘Forum Obsidian’, 2022. [](

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Edmund Gröpl

Data Scientist and Data Storyteller. Talks about #smartsketchnotes and #datastories.