Make Useful Notes. Why Making Sketchnotes.

A framework for taking smart notes. From Make Useful Notes.

Edmund Gröpl
2 min readApr 26, 2023

Sketchnotes are rich visual notes created from a mix of handwriting, drawings, hand-drawn typography, shapes, and visual elements like arrows, boxes, and lines. — Mike Rhode

Sketchnoting, also known as visual notetaking, is a way of creating visual summaries of information. It involves combining drawings, text, and symbols to capture the essence of a meeting, lecture, or presentation in a way that is more engaging and memorable than 38 traditional note-taking methods. There are several benefits to sketchnoting:

Improved retention: Studies have shown that people tend to remember information better when it is presented visually. Sketchnoting allows you to create a visual representation of the information, which can help you remember it more effectively.

Increased engagement: Sketchnoting requires you to actively process and synthesize information as you create your visual summary. This can help you stay more engaged with the material and better understand the key points.

Enhanced communication: Sketchnotes can be shared with others, making them a powerful tool for communication and collaboration. They can be used to summarize meetings, lectures, or presentations, or to explain complex concepts to others in a more accessible way.

Greater creativity: Sketchnoting encourages creativity and allows you to express your understanding of the material in your own unique way. This can make the learning process more enjoyable and rewarding.

Overall, sketchnoting is a powerful tool for learning, retention, engagement, communication, and creativity. And I would not leave you alone with this written text. Here is an introduction to visual note-taking from Doug Neill [18] on YouTube.

[18] An Introduction To Visual Note-Taking. Verbal to Visual, 2016.

Thanks very much! I really appreciate you reading my work. If you enjoyed it and found it useful, you might also like the related book “TAKE USEFUL NOTES. A simple guide to a complex skill by using Sketchnotes, Obsidian and Zettelkasten”.



Edmund Gröpl

Data Scientist and Data Storyteller. Talks about #smartsketchnotes and #datastories.