Take Useful Notes. Understand Zettelkasten Framework.

A framework for taking smart notes. From Take Useful Notes.

Edmund Gröpl
2 min readJan 31, 2023
Zettelkasten Framework

Let me give you an overview: Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten [1] is a method of note-taking and organization that he developed over the course of his career as a sociologist and philosopher. The following are some of the basic concepts that are central to the Zettelkasten method:

Interconnectedness: One of the key principles of the Zettelkasten method is the idea of interconnectedness, or the creation of connections and relationships between different pieces of information. Luhmann believed that by linking related ideas together, it was possible to create a deeper understanding of complex concepts and to generate new ideas.

Cross-referencing: The Zettelkasten method involves the use of cross-references, or connections between different notes or slips, to create a network of interconnected ideas. Cross-references are used to link related ideas together and to facilitate the development of new connections and relationships between different pieces of information.

Modularity: The Zettelkasten method is based on the idea of modularity, or the organization of information into smaller, more manageable units. By breaking ideas down into smaller, more manageable chunks, it is easier to identify patterns and connections between different pieces of information, and to rearrange and reorder them as needed.

Hierarchy: The Zettelkasten method involves the creation of a hierarchy of ideas, with more general concepts at the top and more specific concepts below. This hierarchical structure helps to create a clear and organized overview of the information and allows for the easy identification of relationships between different ideas.

Flexibility: The Zettelkasten method is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing users to rearrange and reorder their notes as needed to reflect new insights and connections. This flexibility helps to facilitate the ongoing process of learning and idea development.

To understand the concept of Zettelkasten in detail the framework shown in the sketchnote above will give us some orientation:

  • Mindset
  • 4 Values
  • 12 Principles
  • Unlimited Practices

So let us start from top level and begin with our mindset in the next chapter.

[1] Sönke Ahrens, How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking, 2022.

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Edmund Gröpl

Data Scientist and Data Storyteller. Talks about #smartsketchnotes and #datastories. https://linktr.ee/groepl