Make Useful Notes. Why Making Notes.

A framework for taking smart notes. From Make Useful Notes.

Edmund Gröpl
1 min readApr 25, 2023

As I have learned there are several benefits to making notes:

Improved understanding and retention of information: Making notes helps you process and understand the material you are learning and makes it easier to review and recall later.

Increased focus and concentration: Making notes can help you stay engaged and focused during a lecture or meeting, as it requires you to actively listen and pay attention to what is being said.

Better organization and clarity: Notes can help you organize your thoughts and ideas and can serve as a helpful reference when you need to review the material later.

Enhanced problem-solving and critical thinking skills: Note-making can help you analyse and evaluate information, as you must decide what is most important and relevant to include in your notes.

Preparation for future use: Notes can be a useful resource when preparing for exams, projects, or presentations. They can also serve as a valuable reference when you need to revisit the material in the future.

Note-making mindfully made your words active.
— Nick Milo

Learn more about by watching Nick Milo on YouTube [17].

[17] Stop Note Taking. Start Note Making: Learn the NoMa Method, 2022.

Thanks very much! I really appreciate you reading my work. If you enjoyed it and found it useful, you might also like the related book “TAKE USEFUL NOTES. A simple guide to a complex skill by using Sketchnotes, Obsidian and Zettelkasten”.



Edmund Gröpl

Data Scientist and Data Storyteller. Talks about #smartsketchnotes and #datastories.