Top Reasons For Choosing Education Program in Netherlands

4 min readNov 26, 2022


GroupL Education

Studying abroad is a challenge, not just connected with complementing the knowledge but expanding the horizons and encountering new cultures and people. Not all are up for it, but for those who do, with an education program in Netherlands, they get the best way to prepare themselves to study within the new environment that is completely away from their home.

Taking into account what opportunities that can come up with the study in Netherlands program, this article has been prepared to discuss the top reasons why choose the Netherlands as per the abroad education consultants.

Multicultural International Environment

To have a boat trip on the canals and the lakes or lazing on the beaches or even enjoying the view of woods, the moderate climate and crossroads wherein meet the British, Chinese, German, French, and different other cultures makes it worth answering that ‘I prefer to study in Netherlands.

Know that international students from worldwide come here to the Netherlands for their studies. As per the reports in the 2014–15 session, the international students from 157 countries came to study in Netherlands. The best part of the universities in the Netherlands is that they have international student associations too, and this definitely helps the students all throughout the study period.

Apart from the above, almost 95% of the Netherlands crowd speaks English, and this is one important factor that makes studying, living, and even working in the Netherlands quite convenient, pleasant, and comfortable for students coming from around the world.

As per the abroad education consultants, the country is also tolerant and open to welcoming and allowing anyone to share opinions and express, especially during studies.

Teaching Methods Are Quite Innovative

The education system of the Dutch is of high quality, and the Dutch universities, they are recognized and acknowledged all over the world for the well-designed, better facilities and the modern courses offered by them. The style of teaching there is focused on the teamwork, and it makes it quite easy for the international students to meet the Dutch and the students from other parts of the world.

A strong emphasis is paid by the Dutch universities on the good personal relations that exists between the students and the professors. The seminars and tutorials, most of them take place in the smaller groups (15–30 students), and most of the coursework section encourages group work. It hence helps to develop not just academic skills but also to function as a team. Apart from it, there are some practical elements also included by the universities within the degree courses, and a huge emphasis is paid to the relevant practical experiences.

There are some universities of the applied sciences that offer specialized studies, and for anyone who prefers to have an insight into the practical issues, the university of the applied sciences, it is a perfect choice for you.

Education Program in Netherlands Degrees Are Internationally Recognized

The Netherlands has been recognized as a knowledge center that carries rich study traditions and has some well-known universities. Scientific research at the Dutch universities, they are highly valued at the international and national level.

Education in the Netherlands, they meet up with the international standards, and even a diploma from the Dutch university will be able to offer a student the opportunity to start their own business and to have a successful career in any country of the world.

Some of the well-recognized universities, as per GROUPL Education, an abroad education consultant are:-

  • University of Amsterdam
  • Utrecht University
  • Leiden University
  • Maastricht University

These universities are highly accredited, and the effective teaching method carries the project-based learning. It helps the students not just have active participation but also to work in a team and focus on the real-life problems.

GROUPL Education For Your Next Best Step

GROUPL Education, is your one true start-to-end supporter and a guide for the education program in Netherlands. Acting as your abroad education consultant, we do not just help you make the right pick but also assure you are aware of the respective scholarships to support and help you to our best.

So, if you are looking for that bridge between you and the university, irrespective of the country or the program chosen for further education, our professionals will assure to help you with all your requirements for sure. All you need to do is connect with us and leave the rest. We assure you, no disappointment.

Read Also:- Pros of choosing Education Programs in Netherlands




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