A Marketplace for the Good

by Rob Noble, Founder

4 min readSep 13, 2018


It exists in our world, on a virtual set of archipelagos where people love life, enjoying products and services that work as they expect, whilst improving society, void of political agenda, sustainable and clean, free of economic failings and rid of human cruelty.

Red cottage by the sea on the Swedish west coast

The islands are visited by vessels of all shapes and sizes trying to navigate their way to a fortune of experiences. Experiences co-created by humans who truly understand humans, knowing how to listen to them, gain their trust and create a relationship where they are willing to help constantly improve what is created for them.

Atop a hill in the middle of these archipelagos lies a marketplace, ‘the marketplace for the good’, a place full of forward thinking buyers, invited to the islands because they are passionate about their contribution to making society better, and a Group of Humans who are willing sellers, invited to be residents for their humility, skills and appetite for problem solving, both sides joined together by a value system and belief that they can genuinely make the world a better place.

Sounds lovely eh?!

What a story… akin to the promise of Hollywood of old. Where artists wanted to tell their story or someone else’s, be free to perform and make the world better, if only for a moment.

So the good news is the Group of Humans is real and it is virtual, it is distributed and it is close knit, it has amazing buyers and extremely talented sellers. It exists and it works, the model works.

Although we were incorporated a year ago, corporate responsibility has kept us quiet until now. We are proud we have made it this far and are growing fast and learning quick, as we officially complete our first full quarter of trade, on our virtual archipelagos.

The curated buyers are learning how to find us through the fog, happily passing sinking ships on their way, sharing with others their experience, with the regularity and a belief in a way of working that breeds success.

The humans, the courageous sellers of their talents, who left the world and a way of working we’ve all known for 50 years behind to start this new way, well what a brave team they are, and what a group of people they are helping us to forge.

A few stats of our new life as Humans

  • Over 90% of the Humans have over 20 years experience at the very top of the business design, strategy, brand, experience, product design and human centered game. We don’t rename ourselves with the trends, or get caught up in twitter wars on semantics, we know what we do and we do it well.
  • Collectively we have designed, built and launched products with 100% of the current top 10 performers in the S&P 500
  • 40% of us reside in USA and Canada. 40% in the UK and Ireland. 10% around Europe and 10% in APAC
  • By the end of this calendar year we will be 150 strong. With representation in even more countries.
  • Our diversity is natural it’s how we grow. Inclusion is to.

Like all new businesses we aren’t without our challenges. We are constantly in a state of change. We like that. Whether it be adding to our back office, bringing on board new Humans, focussing on our culture and values, or changing our messaging, we celebrate our vulnerabilities and learn from them.

If you want to learn more about us whether you are a buyer or a seller.

(1) email talkto@groupofhumans.com

(2) find one of the Humans and ask them to submit your name for a passport to the islands.

In close, consider the chef, writer and storyteller Anthony Bourdain when he was visiting marketplaces the world over creating the series ‘Explore parts unknown’, he said:

“We ask very simple questions: What makes you happy? What do you eat? What do you like to cook? And everywhere in the world we go and ask these very simple questions”

Our approach is very similar.


A curated network of Designers, Thinkers, Technologists and Strategists | We celebrate vulnerabilities, weaknesses and differences and find ways to learn from them.




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