Back to School: Dealing with the Anxieties of a New School Year

GROW Counseling
2 min readJan 4, 2016

Going back to school can be a very exciting time for most children and adolescents. However, it can bring about many anxieties for others.

Children can become very anxious about going back to school and all of the changes it brings.

They must adjust to a new schedule, new teachers, new friends, new work expectations, and maybe a new school entirely. These changes can sometimes feel concerning or overwhelming for children or adolescents.

These anxieties are common for children and teens, but they can really throw the whole family for a loop. Children or teens experiencing anxieties about going back to school may act out or change the way they normally behave.

Here are a couple ideas for helping your kids deal with the anxieties of going back to school.

1. Start establishing a back to school routine early!

Having a routine will help children and teens to feel more adjusted to the new schedule and ready for the new school year. It is so important to get into a good sleep routine because children who are well-rested are better able to cope with the anxiety and stress of school. Families can practice going to bed on time, waking up early, going to the bus stop, and packing lunches.

2. Talk about your kid’s fears.

Talking about fears will help them feel like what they are experiencing is normal. It can also open up the door for you to be able to problem solve with your child. Talk to them in a place where they feel safe and comfortable such as their bedroom. Talk to them alone and give them your undivided attention. You may be surprised about how connected you feel and what new things you may learn!

Laura Lebovitz, LMFT

Originally published at on January 4, 2016.



GROW Counseling

GROW Counseling exists to help individuals and organizations begin to find meaning and joy. We have offices throughout the Atlanta, GA metro area.