4x4 grow tent for Marijuana:

Grow Tent
2 min readFeb 4, 2018


Without a doubt, this will also guarantee your self-sufficiency and you will not have to depend on others when you want to smoke a joint. In the same way, cultivating your own cannabis allows you to maintain control over quality. Whether you decide to grow cannabis in an indoor or outdoor space, you will have to put the soil in the pots. Although beginners can opt for cheap dirtbags that are sold at garden stores, they will face several challenges. These types of soil lack the sufficient nutrients needed to grow cannabis. They also harden easily and are not dry or light enough. This is why it is important to create the correct soil mixture for your cannabis by following the steps described below. Get the 4x4 grow tent for your plantation.

Base 4x4 grow tent:

The first step in obtaining the right mix of soil to grow cannabis is to look for a high-quality organic soil, which acts as a base. The ground base can be defined as the common soil that will be used in the pots without any other additive. Selecting the correct base ground is critical when it comes to growing cannabis. Most beginners will fall into the trap of taking shortcuts when choosing the base ground. However, this is counterproductive to their activity considering that cannabis grows well on the aerated and permeable soil.

A balanced organic soil usually contains several ingredients, such as blond peat, bat guano, soybeans, worm molds, soy flour, pumice, compost, lignite, green sandstone, granite powder, oyster shell flour, k-mag, coconut fiber, perlite, and leonardite. If you find a local mix with most of these ingredients, then you should use it as a base. Never use the pre-mixed land for houseplants, as they contain nutrients that will affect your cannabis plant! If you cannot find a soil with the right nutrients, it is best to start with a clean soil without nutrients so you can add them later.

4x4 grow tent- nutrients:

Considering that it can be difficult to find organic soil with all the appropriate nutrients, you should consider the option of supplementing it. Most of these ingredients are available and provide the right nutrients for your cannabis. One ingredient that may be difficult to obtain is worm molds, but you should not stop using it. The good news is that you will not need a soil conditioner if you use worm molds.


It is very important to mix all the ingredients very well to have effective results in the 4x4 grow tent. You can place a tarp in the yard or garage or sweep the floor and use it directly. This is a demanding activity, so avoid getting hurt a muscle. Some people rent a cement mixer to avoid heavy work, which is fine. The method used to mix all the ingredients correctly does not matter, as long as the final result is perfect.

