4 Ways to Create an Effective Discovery Process

2 min readAug 29, 2018


Ramp up your sales and build a reliable pipeline

Discovery is one of the most crucial steps in creating a repeatable sales process and doing it well can help you close more deals.

Many sales representatives miss the opportunity to learn valuable information by asking basic questions during the discovery phase. Here are some tips from our Head of Sales, Ryan Nahas, that can help you hone your discovery process.

1.Ask Open Ended Questions
If you are asking yes or no questions, you are not going to get a lot of information and will end up feeding the prospect information that you want to hear.

Give them the platform to talk about their pain points and then you can make inferences related to your product. For instance, instead of asking if a certain issue is leading to a problem, try asking about major pain points that might be leading to the issue.

2. Understand the severity of the problem
This goes hand in hand with asking open ended questions. The point is to understand all the pain points, so you can help them in an effective manner. This will also reduce the chances of major surprises later on in the sales process.

3. Always tie your discovery questions back to an ROI
This could be both qualitative and quantitative ROI — the amount of money being wasted, the number of data providers they have to use, the time being spent e.t.c.

4. Make them understand the consequence of inaction
Take your customer through a scenario and talk to them about the impact of using your product. Highlight what is going to happen if everything stays the same.

This helps build an ROI in their mind. You can also use this information to help close a better deal during the negotiation phase.

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