Essential Things You Should Know About Aster BI


Are you coming across Aster BI (Financial and Business Management Solution) for the first time? If yes, you will learn the basic things you should know about the business tool in this piece.

Running a business is not as simple as ABC. It is challenging and frustrating. There is no easy route to getting it right in business without putting and investing your effort into it.

As a business owner, you should leverage business tools and software to assist with the seamless running of your business.

Business tools and software exist to ease the processes involved in running a business and equip you to achieve more business goals. That said, the goal of every business is to secure more money/finance through sales.

But on the other hand, a lot can go wrong when you fail to manage your business operations and the finances made from these sales. The financial aspect of your business is one part of running a business you should prioritize and not shy away from. You should pay detailed attention to it. If not, you will lose control over it.

Aster is one of the business tools you will need in your business journey, especially if you struggle and need assistance with business and financial management as a business owner in Nigeria.

In this piece, I will explain the essential details about Aster BI you should know as a business owner. Are you curious to learn more about Aster and how it can impact your business? This is a perfect read for you.

What is Aster BI?

Aster BI is a one-in-all financial/business management platform that provides product (s) that assist business owners in managing their business operations and finances effectively and seamlessly.

Aster offers excellent features such as invoices, expenses and reports that make business & financial management achievable and swift.

With these excellent features, you can seamlessly stay ahead and on top of your business by ensuring undeniable control over your finances and operations.

Who Is Aster For?

If this is your first time coming across/hearing about Aster, you might be wondering who Aster is designed for.

To recall, Aster is a business and financial management software built to assist business owners in managing operations and finances effectively.

This means that every business owner who struggles with the management side of their business (especially finances and operations) needs a sustainable solution like Aster to stay super organized, focused and efficient.

Aster is made for you if you run and operate a business (whether product/service-based business).

No matter the type of business you run, be it a consulting firm, school, freelancing, farming, manufacturing, NGO and the rest, Aster fits into it and makes management seamless.

What Can You Aster Use For?

One of the first questions that potential users/customers usually ask about a product is — what can I use it for?

Are you curious and want to know the different things you can use Aster for, especially in a business setting?

To answer that question, we will list and explain the various things you can use Aster for and how vital they are to the growth of your business.

Here are the things you can use Aster for in a business setting;

  1. Financial management: Aster empowers you with the right and efficient tools that make financial management effortless and seamless. With Aster, you can confidently manage your business finances effectively. This means you can monitor, track and organize your finances to drive your business to success and growth and allows you to stay ahead in business, regardless of your industry.

2. Invoicing: Have you ever wondered how you can keep your cash flow steady? Invoicing is your best route to achieving this. Invoicing allows you to receive payment from your clients and customers. Aster is a top-notch invoicing tool that you can use to manage and send your invoices. You can use the Aster invoices to track overdue invoices, set & capture recurring revenue, receive payment through payment links and send customers reminders about their payments. With all of this, your cash flow is about to be unstoppable.

3. Bookkeeping: As a business owner, you might not always have a history of all your transactions off-heart. This is why keeping track of your business transaction history is vital. This helps you understand your business’s financial state & performance at every point. You can use Aster as bookkeeping software that can assist you in recording and tracking your financial transactions. You can record your sales, revenue, expenses and other financial transactions on Aster.

4. Operational management: Every business depends on its operations to function and thrive. The products and services you offer are part of your business operations. Without them, you don’t have a business run. This is why you should have a proper inventory of them and ensure they are updated and organized. You can use Aster’s product/service feature to manage your products/services effectively and keep track and record of them.

5. Expense Management: Business expenditures are bound to happen in business, but it can be risky to overlook your spending and not manage it effectively. Expense management should be a vital part of your business. This is because practicing it will help you understand where/what your money is going to and how to track the spending. With the expenses feature on Aster, you can monitor and track your spending. The feature will also help you be knowledgeable about your spending and how it affects your business in the long run (in terms of decision-making).

Aside from these mentioned, there are other things you can use Aster for in business. To learn more about Aster and other things you can do with it, you should sign up on Aster via

We hope reading this article has provided you with the basic knowledge of the essential things you should know about Aster. Remember, as a business owner, business management makes running and operating a full-time business seamless and more efficient.

Once you get started on Aster, you will confidently stay ahead in business through effective management practices. Start today —

