Beginner’s Guide. Essentials of AWS IAM

5 min readFeb 3, 2024


AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a cornerstone of AWS security, providing the infrastructure necessary for identity management. IAM is crucial for managing user identities and their levels of access to AWS resources securely. Here’s a simplified explanation and some practical examples to illustrate how IAM works.

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Understanding IAM Concepts

IAM revolves around four primary concepts:

  1. Users: These are the individual accounts that represent a person or service that can interact with AWS. Each user can have specific permissions that define what they can and cannot do within AWS. For instance, a user might have the permission to read files in an S3 bucket but not to delete them.
  2. Groups: A group is simply a collection of users. This makes it easier to manage permissions for multiple users at once. For example, you might create a group called “Developers” and grant it permissions to deploy applications on EC2.
  3. Roles: Unlike users, roles are not tied to a specific identity but to a specific context or job that needs to be performed. Roles can be assumed by users, applications, or services and provide temporary permissions to perform actions on AWS resources. For example, an EC2 instance can assume a role to access an S3 bucket.
  4. Policies: These are documents that formally state one or more permissions. Policies define what actions are allowed or denied on what resources. For example, a policy might allow any user in the “Developers” group to start or stop EC2 instances.

Deep Dive into an IAM Policy Example

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:398447858632:table/Transactions"

Here’s what each part of this policy means:

  1. Version: The policy version defines the format of the policy. “2012–10–17” is the current version that supports all the features available in IAM.
  2. Statement: This is the main element of a policy. It’s an array of individual statements (although our example has just one).
  3. Sid (Statement ID): “VisualEditor0” is an identifier that you give to the statement. It’s not mandatory, but it’s useful for keeping your policies organized.
  4. Effect: This can either be “Allow” or “Deny”. It specifies whether the statement allows or denies access. In our case, it’s “Allow”.
  5. Action: These are the specific actions that the policy allows or denies. The actions are always prefixed with the service name (dynamodb) and then the particular action (Scan, Query). In our policy, it allows the user to read data from a DynamoDB table using Scan and Query operations.
  6. Resource: This part specifies the object or objects the policy applies to. Here, it’s a specific DynamoDB table identified by its Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Breaking Down the Fear of JSON

If you’re new to AWS IAM, the JSON format can seem intimidating, but it’s just a structured way to represent the policy. Here are some tips to navigate it:

  • Curly Braces { }: These are used to contain objects or, in the case of IAM policies, the policy itself and each statement within it.
  • Square Brackets [ ]: These contain arrays, which can be a list of actions or resources. In our example, we have an array of actions.
  • Quotation Marks “ “: Everything inside the quotation marks is a string, which means it’s text. In policies, these are used for specifying the Version, Sid, Effect, Actions, and Resources.

By understanding these components, you can start to construct and deconstruct IAM policies confidently. Don’t be afraid to modify the JSON; just remember to validate your policy within the AWS console to ensure there are no syntax errors before applying it.

The Importance of IAM Policies

IAM policies are fundamental in cloud security management. By precisely defining who can do what with which resource, you mitigate risks and enforce your organization’s security protocols. As a beginner, start with simple policies and, as you grow more familiar, begin to explore more complex permissions. It’s a learning curve, but it’s well worth it for the security and efficiency it brings to your cloud infrastructure.

IAM in Action: A Practical Example

Imagine you are managing a project with AWS, and you have three team members: Alice, Bob, and Carol. Alice is responsible for managing databases, Bob is in charge of the application code on EC2 instances, and Carol takes care of the file storage on S3 buckets.

  • You could create IAM users for Alice, Bob, and Carol.
  • You might then create a group called “DatabaseManagers” and attach a policy that allows actions like dynamodb:Query and dynamodb:Scan, and assign Alice to this group.
  • For Bob, you might assign him to the “Developers” group with permissions to manage EC2 instances.
  • Carol could be added to the “StorageManagers” group, which has permissions to put and get objects in an S3 bucket.

Why IAM Matters

IAM is critical for several reasons:

  • Security: It allows granular permissions, ensuring that individuals have only the access they need to perform their job, nothing more, nothing less. This is a principle known as the least privilege.
  • Auditability: With IAM, it’s possible to see who did what within your AWS environment, which is vital for compliance and security auditing.
  • Flexibility: IAM roles allow for flexible security configurations that can be adapted as your AWS use-cases evolve.

Mastering IAM for Robust AWS Management

IAM’s ability to manage access to AWS services and resources securely is why it’s an essential tool for any cloud architect or DevOps professional. By understanding and implementing IAM best practices, you can ensure that your AWS infrastructure remains secure and well-managed.

Remember, the key to mastering IAM is understanding the relationship between users, groups, roles, and policies, and how they can be leveraged to control access within AWS. Start small, practice creating these IAM entities, and gradually build more complex permission sets as you grow more comfortable with the concepts.




Passionate about computing, a computer engineer with a special inclination towards the world of DevOps and Cloud Solutions