Todayโ€™s โ€œCaturdayโ€ video features a โ€œsnoringโ€ hummingbird that is awakening from torpor in a small environmental chamber

by GrrlScientist for The Guardian | @GrrlScientist

Adult male amethyst-throated sunangel (Heliangelus amethysticollis). This image has been modified from the original: this image has been cropped. (Credit: Francesco Veronesi/Wikipedia/CC BY-SA 2.0)

A few weeks ago, a twitter follower (โ€œtweepโ€) asked me if sleeping birds snore. I told her that snoring in birds is a sign of trouble requiring immediate veterinary intervention. But that question did make me ponder โ€œsnoringโ€ in birds because, depending upon how you define โ€œsnoringโ€, you could claim that perfectly healthy birds might snore under certain circumstances. For example, when birds awaken from torpor, they might make sounds that could be mistaken for โ€œsnoringโ€.

Torpor is a state of suspended animation that hummingbirds and some other bird species use to survive cold nights. When a hummingbird awakens from torpor, they are rapidly restarting their metabolic engines, which requires a lot of oxygen. Thus, as hummingbirds awaken, they open their bills so they can inhale deeply to bring in plenty of oxygen to meet their rapidly increasing metabolic demands. I suppose we might think of this as โ€œgaspingโ€ for air.

In todayโ€™s โ€œCaturdayโ€ video, we watch a female amethyst-throated sunangel, Heliangelus amethysticollis, in a small environmental chamber at a research station in Peru. This chamber is a standard research tool that is designed to measure the amount of oxygen the occupant is consuming. The hummingbird in the video is awakening from torpor and the high pitched sound she is making is not real snoring. Instead it probably is the result of deep inhalations meant to rapidly increase her oxygen intake.

The hum of the environmental chamber is louder on the recording than in real life. And yes, that is her tongue sticking out. You can see more photographs from this research project on this photobucket site.

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GrrlScientist is very active on twitter @GrrlScientist and you can follow all her writing by subscribing to her TinyLetter

Originally published at The Guardian on 11 April 2015.



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PhD evolutionary ecology/ornithology. Psittacophile. SciComm senior contributor at Forbes, former SciComm at Guardian. Also on Substack at 'Words About Birds'.