Jg Deva
2 min readJul 30, 2017


Interesting read. I really is a good argument, but I admit that I am not planning on doing a damn thing about it. I don’t want to be a wet blanket, but I think the problem is not “them”. It is “us”. I think the main problem I have is that as bad as our leaders are, they seem to only be a reflection of our own values. If we were not so greedy, and did not want the same obscene excesses that the wealthy, and our puppet government have then maybe we would tolerate it a lot less.

I see our society as a macrocosm of the more familiar forms of abuse where, all too often the abused only live for the day when they can be the one doing the abusing.

Look around you. All you see is abuse. Littering, verbally abusing strangers, aggressive driving, prostitution, petty theft, computer scams, charity scams, religious scams. All or most of us are abused/abusing everyday.

It’s a wonder that we don’t all have shrines to Donald Trump, and his Art of the Steal. I mean Deal. I mean, well, he didn’t write it anyways, that was another abuse we put up with. I mean, if I buy a book because it is written by someone, and it turns out to be written by someone else…wasn’t I cheated? Do I get my money back? What? No?

Whatever! I’ll just find a way to cheat some total strangers and get my money back!

All I can do is just wish it isn’t as bad as it looks. I don’t believe there are enough people who care. I really wish the were, but I really don’t believe it.



Jg Deva

I am an accidental writer. I came here to look up the writings of someone I’ve read, but do not know the identity of. I never meant to write back!