10 Reasons SharePoint Online Destroys File Shares

John Gruber
Published in
9 min readFeb 2, 2018


Ever since I was little I dreamed of being in IT. Hiding in a windowless office, where users would request access and equipment to empower them to do their jobs. Working on cool technology and generally tinkering with the latest gear. When I was in high school, that’s what IT looked like… The world has changed. IT is no longer expected to support the business, we’re innovating to drive growth. It’s our job to transform the older outdated practices into a mobile, agile business. Migrating to SharePoint Online is the best way to transform an organization.

1. Maintenance

With a cloud-based portal, updates happen automatically, and the IT team spends less time on maintenance tasks. “Now that we’re in the cloud, we no longer have to worry about maintenance weekends, patching, or the system going down,” says Graeme Cuthbertson, IT Manager at Thermo Fisher.

When I originally heard about the cloud, my first thought wasn’t what value it could provide to the business. My first instinct was survival. My day to day job was managing backups, monitoring disk space, and replacing servers. What would I do if everything I…



John Gruber

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