Dribbler Analysis #125
Navigating the Fork in Our Road: The 2024 Presidential Election Dilemma
Could both parties’ refusal to compromise lead to our nation collapsing?
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‘A kingdom/nation divided, split into factions and rebelling against itself, that kingdom/nation cannot stand.’ — Mark 3:24-
The above verse became famous in American history when used by ‘President Abraham Lincoln’ during the U.S. Civil War. Lincoln made the same fundamental point as:
Jesus: ‘Any power that fights against itself is bound to lose.’
Lincoln’s intent was to show the importance of a united nation.
Approximately 50% of Americans believes God sent Trump to save America, to make her great again.
The other half find the idea insane. Why would God pick an amoral individual for the job?
Suppose God sent Trump for a different purpose than making America great again? … But to divide America, bringing her down instead of up.
Judge her for her sinful ways, for her rebellious heart of turning away from God, her creator, and worshiping God’s creation in so many ways.
What if Trump is God’s tool for judging America? Not for making her great, but to bring her to her knees in repentance. To bring her back to God.
‘If God doesn’t soon bring judgment upon America, He’ll have to go back and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!’ … Ruth Graham 1965
People often credit this statement to Billy Graham. It originated with his wife, Ruth, during a review of her husband’s manuscript for his book, World Aflame, published in 1965.
He had just finished a chapter vividly describing the sinful conditions in America and gave it to Ruth to read.
She was very much sobered by the writing and returned the document to the study where he was writing and laid it on his desk, saying,
‘Billy, if God doesn’t come soon and bring judgment upon the United States, He’s going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!’
This promise from God was not addressed to America today. But it truly illustrates America’s condition perfectly:
‘If My people, those who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, pray, seek and crave, require as a necessity My face, and turn from their wicked ways, with heartfelt repentance … only then I will hear their prayers, forgive their sin, and heal their land from utter destruction.’ — 2 Chronicles 7:14 -
God destroyed ‘Sodom & Gomorrah’ for —
- Their pride
- refusal to repent after given much time
- Rampant homosexuality
- Sexual immorality
- Indulging in sins of the flesh
- They set their hearts against the Lord.
- Inhospitable treatment of aliens
- Idolatry
- Lack of true charity and justice
- Wickedness
- Immorality
- Disrespect for the Lord, which was spreading all across the land.
Protestant Analysis — Why Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
Catholic Analysis — Why Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
Notice any comparisons within America today?
Symptoms of a Civilization’s Final Decay
In 1947, sociologist Dr. Carle Zimmerman wrote a text called ‘Family and Civilization.’ He identified ‘eleven symptoms of final decay’ observable in the fall of both the Greek and Roman civilizations.
Do we see any of these ‘Eleven Symptoms’ taking place in America today?
- Moral Decay #1 — No-fault Divorce — Seeking further freedom, they demanded an easier way to divorce.
- Moral Decay #2 — Abortion — With more divorces came added sexual freedom, causing more children to be conceived. This caused less freedom in place of more freedom. So, they had to come up with a method to eliminate unwanted children growing in the mothers’ wombs …. Abortion became legal and very acceptable, as increased disrespect for parenthood and life itself became their new way to continue in the future.
- Moral Decay #3 — Meaningless marriage rites/ceremonies became normal — As those who at first thought divorce and abortion were bad things. Yet, the more the tea toddlers watched others having all the fun, soon they too saw just how meaningless and confining the old ways of God were limiting their lives.
- Moral Decay #4 — Defaming of their Nation’s History — Slowly guilt began setting in. Reflecting on what made their nation great. By Defaming their Nation’s History, along with its national heroes. This made them feel, see, even they did everything we are doing today. We are not truly bad, merely free at last, from God’s control over our lives.
- Moral Decay #5 — Shacking up replaced marriage in great numbers — With new sexual freedoms, the acceptance of alternative lifestyles grew. Shacking up was seen as a way to have fun without the legal restrictions of marriage. It’s common knowledge that couples, regardless of their gender, widely accept living together. …. Even close family members, like best friends, children, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, live without marriage restrictions and are celebrated for their open-mindedness.
- Moral Decay #6 — Widespread feminism, narcissism, hedonism, atheism — Became the norm rather than the oddity …. for God truly became far, far too confining!
- Moral Decay #7 — Propagation of anti-family sentiment — Provided yet more freedom, what’s a family after all, as many started making their own without marriage. Those who could not conceive would pay others to carry a baby for them. Same-sex families hired women to carry babies so they too could create a ‘family’ with freedoms … Humans became gods in their own eyes, re-writing all the rules a stuffy God had set up for them to follow.
- Moral Decay #8 — Acceptance of most forms of adultery — Of course, with all the freedoms they had developed, adultery and fornication had to be like breathing, even parents put their 12-year-old daughters on birth control, because they knew all kids are going to have sex, as they see how much fun their parents were having enjoying sex with whomever they chose, and killing the baby if an accident took place … The adults even decided their daughters who were underage to drink, could in fact, decide and get an abortion without the permission of their parents being required, but of course, getting a simple wart removed, now that required their parent’s approval!
- Moral Decay #9 — Disobedient offspring — This occurred promptly after the previous incidents, as there were no respected figures for the sons and daughters to emulate. As they watched their parents acting like farm animals and breaking up families while making yet more ‘blended families’ day in and day out!
- Moral Decay #10 — Surge in juvenile delinquency — Blamed on absence of positive influences, parents neglecting their own responsibilities… “Do as I say, not as I do,” echoed throughout.
Moral Decay #11 — Embracing all sexual orientations, including homosexuality — Should we question the notion that only heterosexual couples can experience true freedom? Acceptance of once-perceived perversion is now labeled acceptable as same-sex marriage gains equal rights. They could adopt children; they could have others carry their babies so they could create families that looked as normal as anyone else.
Any of this moral decay seen in America today?
Many believe God warned America that judgement was coming. When He allowed the twin towers on September 11, 2001, to come down.
By showing America, He had removed His hand of protection from her for her rebellion. America’s main-homeland had faced no prior attacks.
America returned to church briefly thereafter. But soon America returned to her arrogance and neglected God, the very creator of all that can be seen or unseen.
Following September 11, journalists observed a notable increase in religious observance across the country.
Church attendance the week after the attacks reported a 24 percent spike.
Going to worship and giving blood became the twin tokens of drastic social change in an apparently transformed America.
- Terror Attacks Could Change Paths of Faith - Sept.30th New York Times-
- Wake-Up Call - Helps Fill Pews — Oct. 7th Pittsburgh Post-Gazette -
- People Seeking Solace in God; World’s Turmoil Hard to Handle — Oct. 18th Worcester Telegram & Gazette -
- Faith Restored: Church Attendance Soared Following the Sept. 11 Attacks; As Everyday People Sought the Comfort and Hope of Religion — Nov. 17th Spokane Spokesman-Review -
As Attacks’ Impact Recedes, A Return to Religion as Usual - Nov. 26th New York Times -
Mosque attendance is back up; church attendance is back down -Late Nov.- Columbus Dispatch -
Post Attack Crowds Thin at Churches - Dec. 11th-Houston Chronicle -
Losing Our Religion? -Dec.16th-Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Many Turn to God, But For How Long? Worship Might Increase Again This Weekend - October 13 Columbus Dispatch
The outpouring of religious activity in America after the September 11 terrorist attacks has subsided, the crisis-driven spark not catching fire, according to polls and researchers. — February 18 the Washington Times
Americans, who after the attacks turned to religion in an outpouring that some religious leaders hailed as a spiritual ‘great awakening,’ have now mostly returned to their former habits. It looks like people were treating this like a bereavement, a shorter-term funeral kind of thing, where they went to church or synagogue to grieve. — Late November Laurie Goodstein New York Times
‘After the attack, millions of nominally churched or generally irreligious Americans were desperately seeking something that would restore stability and a sense of meaning to life. Thankfully, many sought solace in church. Unfortunately, few of them experienced anything that was sufficiently life-changing to capture their attention and their allegiance.’ — George Barna, the Southern California evangelical survey research guru, in a late November press release.
American far and wide boarded ships to leave God’s safe harbor. As they headed out aboard rudderless ships for parts unknown. And now they wonder what has gone wrong. Why are we having so much trouble, so much debt, so much insecurity and poor leadership.
Wake up America — and make no mistake:
‘Do not yourself to be deceived, God is not mocked. He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt, nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.’ — Galatians 6:7-‘They claim to offer them freedom, but they themselves are enslaved by corruption because whatever a person gives in to soon becomes his master.
Those who have been pulled out of the cesspool of worldly desires through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Anointed One, yet have found themselves mired in it again, are worse off than they were before.
They would have been better off never knowing the way of righteousness than to have known it and then abandoned the sacred commandment they had previously received and dived back into the muck!
In their cases, the words from Proverbs hold true: ‘The dog goes back to his own vomit. According to the Greeks, ‘The sow is washed just to wallow in the mud again!’ -2 Peter 2:19–22 -
In short, the revival of religion and public piety played big all over the nation in the extensive coverage of the aftermath of the terrorist onslaught. But then, to the chagrin of many, church attendance sagged back toward normal levels.
“Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.’ — Matthew 12:25-
Honestly, do you believe Trump is more of a ‘divider’ or a ‘uniter’?
Will Trump bring America closer together, by reaching across the aisle to get things done?
Or do you think Trump will cause more division by using his powers to do whatever he wants?
I encourage you to ‘Pause n Ponder’ concerning, does America need more dividing or more uniting?
Your vote will determine which rules, more than anything else.
The Whitehouse, the house, or the senate won’t fix America’s problems.
America’s problems can only be addressed by the repentant hearts of her citizens!
Whether Harris or Trump is in charge, trusting them to make America great again is simply foolish.
This 2024 election will only decide which road America’s destruction will continue for a period of time!
The Narrow or Wide Path — which will America Follow?
‘Wide is the gate. Broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to life, and there are few who find it.’ — Matthew 7:13–14-
Does this sound anything like Donald J. Trump?
They claim to be wise; but they have been exposed as fools, frauds, and con artists — Romans 1:22-
I have also attached both parties 2024 platforms.
I recommend carefully reading and understanding each party’s intentions. ‘Pause n Ponder’ with no one telling you what to think … Spend time alone and decide what you truly believe is best for America today.