Save the Children uses Grytics to encourage knowledge sharing and introduce gamification incentives among its 25,000 employees worldwide.

Grytics for Workplace Communities
2 min readMar 13, 2019


Save the Children is an international NGO promoting children’s rights and supporting children in need in developing countries.

With 25 000 employees around the world, their aim is to connect everyone in the organization and build a productive team culture that goes towards encouraging child education.

Grytics allows Save the Children’s Knowledge Management team to improve the NGO’s internal culture daily, for the benefit of children worldwide.

Thanks to Nicole Nikolaidis, Senior Knowledge Manager and Cathy Mayne, Knowledge officer users of Grytics for Workplace by Facebook.

Strengthening education programs by encouraging knowledge sharing

The NGO’s Knowledge Management team’s main group on Workplace is called “Global Education Community”. The team seeks to continuously improve user engagement and activity, in order to strengthen the NGO’s educational programs worldwide.

Grytics helps to measure and leverage users’ engagement. By analysing all Top content within a year-long period quickly and efficiently, Grytics enables the two-employee team to identify what kind of content is the highest performing. Grytics also allows the Knowledge Management team to identify experts, spokespersons or influencers in the entire organization.

They usually are members with the highest interactions on their posts. The team scouts the Group with Grytics on a weekly basis to identify new ideas and follow up on the progress of their events and educational programs.

Reaching out to the best… and least performing communities

Once top involved members are identified, they are approached by the Knowledge Team to take part in educational projects. Their ideas and contributions help create better programs for the NGO.

In addition, every month, all champions and top educational groups within the 25,000 employees-strong Workplace are ranked and highlighted with Grytics and the results are accessible to the entire user base.

Champions are categorized using Grytics leader boards: top reactors, top commenters, top engaged, top actives and influencers. A Grytics generated mosaic with their profile pictures is published, allowing for a gamification process that lets employees playfully compare their rankings and to compete to improve it.

Grytics’ value lies not only in identifying winners, it can also easily and swiftly identify the least performing groups. Their admins can then be approached to review their group’s actions and elaborate new, improved strategies, so that no one is left behind.



Grytics for Workplace Communities

One platform to analyse, understand, monitor Workplace communities. Implement engagement strategies and measure employee sentiment, identify inactive members