Part II: New beginnings

Grzegorz Kapkowski
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2018

Things change, always.


Hi, I’m Greg.

(this is how I usually introduce myself, although it sounds much better in my native Polish).

I’m currently the CTO@Userfeeds, where I’m responsible for creating technology based on our vision for new ways of information discovery. I’m really proud of what the Userfeeds team have managed to build in the short time since we launched. Each and every one of them has worked incredibly hard to accomplish feats we never thought possible, building technologies that created use cases for tokens that didn’t even exist at the time. I’m proud of them all.

Based on our initial technology, we managed to build two products; and Looking ahead, we see a future in expanding the concept, and spinning out a new product based on that idea.

Even though Userfeeds as an organization is to close, the project and the technology will continue to live and evolve.

We want to continue our journey into the uncharted territory of information discovery and social media for token holders. To give people the tools they need to navigate the vast sea of projects, tokens and information. Tools which will arm them against misinformation and exploitation.

Mission: Create a gateway to crypto-space for existing and new crypto users.

We will be creating a new organization to take over With time, the project will evolve into a gateway to crypto-space for all token-holders.

Mission Objective: Exploration

People holding tokens often have no idea where and how they can use them. We want to provide a single location where people can share and discover information about crypto tokens and what they can really do with them.

We will also explore the implications of decentralized ownership, and look for new use cases which leverage ownership of tokens rather than trading.

Mission Objective: Expand understanding

We want to educate token holders about the potential of owning certain crypto assets, and what power this ownership can give to their voices on the Internet.

Mission Objective: Verifiable Information

‘Why am I seeing what I see?’ is, to us, the most important question right now on the Internet.

Why are you shown particular information? Did someone pay the interface to show it to you? Is someone trying to exploit you? Who are the people pushing this agenda? Are other people also seeing this information? How valuable is my attention to others? Is it undervalued?

All these questions can be answered with transparent and open interfaces, which can deliver the specific transactions and signed messages that were used to compose your news feed. You can see who wants your attention, and how much he is willing to pay for it.

Mission Objective: Increase Adoption

By providing non-monetary use cases of ownership, we want to encourage non-crypto users to explore crypto-space and adopt the common tools (like wallets) to interact with other users. Without any cost on their or our side.

Thanks to the unique nature of our ‘multi-chain’ products, we can provide users with the same experience regardless if they use real tokens or only test tokens.

Mission Objective: Interface Monetization

We will be providing monetization schemes for all users involved with our products. They will be able to assume the roles of content curators, and then monetize their insight, or as Influencers who can monetize by creating their own tokens. We also support Creators, who can design interface customizations, tying them to a given token and monetizing their work through token cloning/sharing.

Of course, users can have any combination of these roles to maximise their revenue streams.

We’ve implemented a ‘Hello World’ (simplest possible) monetization on Anyone can deposit a small amount of ETH and then place their kitty on the front page (or any other profile page) of This increases the chance of their kitty being noticed by other kitty holders or interested people.

Mission Objective: Shared Economy

Sender, Receiver, Contract and Interface: these are the four basic roles required to create an economy on the blockchain.

Each Sender wants to change the state of the smart contract (eg. he want to buy tokens), but he is not using it ‘directly’. He only discovered that this contract exists through an Interface, and he uses this interface to create a transaction to change the state of the contract. The Receiver is a gatekeeper for the contract, and only he controls the circumstances under which the contract can change (eg. he owns tokens). The last piece of the puzzle is the Contract developer who created the object that the Sender and Receiver want to control, but since contracts are inherently hard to interact with, they need an interface so that people can use them easily. By creating economies that encourage building new interfaces for existing contracts, we will be able to drive innovations in this area.

We want to convince developers to build contracts in a way that any developer can benefit from building new interfaces for a given contract, thereby increasing its usage and interface variety.

Mission Objective: Information Discovery

By combining economic information (blockchains) with purely social information (shared URLs, texts) we want to explore new ways of filtering and sorting social information. This will allow people to create their own filters based on their ownership of tokens and other assets. Creating a membership token and distributing it to your friends is just one of various ways to create new information-sharing circles based on crypto ownership. Even basic purchases can be interpreted as product recommendations when viewed from a certain angle. You can find new people based on their economic behaviors (Did he sell during the peak? Did he hold during the dip? Are his transactions reflecting what he is saying?).

Mission Objective: Collaboration

This is one of our most ambitious aims. We want other developers to help us build these products and be part of the economy. This will require considerable effort. Working with other people is never easy, but we’re prepared to do whatever it takes to help and be as open as possible toward new ideas and initiatives.

Mission CEO: Greg

I’ll be the CEO in this new organization. This is something I haven’t done before and I have much to learn. I am well aware of the difficult journey ahead. But beyond that challenge, I truly feel that we are at the beginning of something great. The beginning of a movement that will change the shape of the world, and I want to be a part of it, together with all the fantastic people I’ve met so far, and all the people I will meet along the way.

I’m counting on you all to keep me pointing in the right direction if I ever lose sight of the path.

We will build this future together.


While we shift direction to a product oriented company, we need to ensure that the technology and services provided to our partners continues to exist. We are extracting the technical aspects of Userfeeds and maintaining our existing APIs and services for current customers.


We can’t do this on our own. We are looking for investors who are able to support a team of absolutely dedicated, insanely intelligent and exceptionally creative people.


Healthy food is good for productivity. So is exercise, lots of exercise; go for a walk if you can, and get a lot of sleep.


