Web Browser Automation with Ruby and Watir

Grzegorz Smajdor
6 min readDec 22, 2021


I was always interested in optimising and scripting the things. Just to save my time and be able to remove the repetition of repeatable tasks.

Recently I’ve stumbled upon an interesting site - http://whyfund.net/. Site contains a lot of studies to master certain skill / language and much more.

As I wanted to refresh my memory around the Ruby language, I decided to give it a try and check how the studies are being structured. I’ve opened the page that contains ~ 150 sets of questions to master before doing an interview in Ruby.

After looking to a random page with questions and I’ve noticed that on the bottom of the page there is a Check answers button.

After clicking it, it reveals the answers, which looks like below.

As we have 150 studies, it would be super hard to open each one, click the check answers and download this pages. So then… automation would be a solution.

I decided to build a script using Ruby and popular library that is used for the Web Automation — Watir.

Step 1: Prepare a project

Created a simple Gemfile that contains only watir library

➜  whyfund-get-all git:(master) cat Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org"
gem 'watir'

running bundle install installed it.

The simple structure looks like

➜ whyfund-get-sets git:(master) ls
Gemfile Gemfile.lock output src
➜ whyfund-get-sets git:(master) tree
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── output
└── src
└── main.rb

The idea is that the output folder will contain the html files and there will be only main.rb file with Ruby script inside.

Step 2: Browser Automation with Watir

Watir is pretty simple and can be easily tested using IRB (which is interactive ruby).

require 'watir'

browser = Watir::Browser.new # opens a Browser window

browser.goto 'http://whyfund.net/RUBY%20Programming/'

puts browser.title # prints title to the console
# => "File-List"
browser.close # closes the Browser window.

As you can see, this opened the Browser (to have browser support go to — https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads or use brew install chromedriveron OSX) and load the page.

Here we have a lot of links on this page, so in next step we will collect and store them.

Step 3: Collect all the links

To accomplish this task, needed to use Chrome’s Inspector tool to understand where links are placed on the page.

After understanding the HTML layout page, I wrote few lines of code to collect all the links.

def get_all_links(browser)
links = []
tds = browser.tds
tds.each_with_index do |td, i|
p "Checking element #{i+1} / #{tds.length}"
links << td.link.href

Turns out that not all the td have a link — and this caused wait delay that is set to 5 seconds by default, and raised an exception. That is why we have a rescue statement and we simply go to next element in the Array.

As 5 seconds, seemed super long, I set the default time out to half of a second.

Watir.default_timeout = 0.5

Step 4: Getting the answers

As we have all the website links in our links variable it was time to open every page one by one and check the answers. For that the below code, almost worked.

1 def get_site_with_answers(link, browser)
2 browser.goto link
3 puts browser.title
4 buttons = browser.buttons(class: "large button")
5 buttons.each do |button|
6 if button.text == "Check answers"
7 button.click
8 end
9 end
10 browser
11 end

Why almost? Well, after click on the Check answers I got an exception

=> "http://whyfund.net/RUBY%20Programming/Test%20%20Array%20Methods%20-%20Ruby%20on%20Rails%20ROR%20MATCHING.htm"
irb(main):015:0> browser.buttons[2].click
Traceback (most recent call last):
16: from 15 chromedriver 0x00000001049de754 __gxx_personality_v0 + 253392
15: from 14 chromedriver 0x00000001049fd9f8 __gxx_personality_v0 + 381044
14: from 13 chromedriver 0x0000000104a012b0 __gxx_personality_v0 + 395564
13: from 12 chromedriver 0x00000001049fcbd8 __gxx_personality_v0 + 377428
12: from 11 chromedriver 0x00000001049e8c7c __gxx_personality_v0 + 295672
11: from 10 chromedriver 0x00000001045df238 chromedriver + 307768
10: from 9 chromedriver 0x00000001046137d4 chromedriver + 522196
9: from 8 chromedriver 0x00000001045e075c chromedriver + 313180
8: from 7 chromedriver 0x00000001045e0d64 chromedriver + 314724
7: from 6 chromedriver 0x00000001045eb2fc chromedriver + 357116
6: from 5 chromedriver 0x00000001045ec570 chromedriver + 361840
5: from 4 chromedriver 0x00000001045ee75c chromedriver + 370524
4: from 3 chromedriver 0x00000001045f0530 chromedriver + 378160
3: from 2 chromedriver 0x00000001045ba7d8 chromedriver + 157656
2: from 1 chromedriver 0x00000001049bb138 __gxx_personality_v0 + 108468
1: from 0 chromedriver 0x0000000104a25408 __gxx_personality_v0 + 543364
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementClickInterceptedError (element click intercepted: Element <input tabindex="72" value="Check answers" onclick="return checkAnswers(this)" class="large button" type="button"> is not clickable at point (792, 1221). Other element would receive the click: <iframe id="aswift_2" name="" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" width="1005" height="124" frameborder="0" src="https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/html/r20211207/r20110914/zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1#RS-0-&amp;adk=1812271801&amp;client=ca-pub-2916049119845824&amp;fa=1&amp;ifi=3&amp;uci=a!3&amp;btvi=1" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" data-google-container-id="a!3" data-google-query-id="CLmq5v2W-PQCFTHMEQgd-3sOHg" data-load-complete="true" style="display: block; margin: 0px auto;"></iframe>)
(Session info: chrome=96.0.4664.110)

Super long, and super useless to me. After googling, still did not find particular answer, I’ve noticed that the button it self, was hidden behind an AD!!

Which turns out to be this part of HTML site:

To remove this, I used Watir’s capabilities to execute JS:

browser.execute_script("[...document.querySelectorAll('ins')].map(e => {e.parentNode.removeChild(e)})")

The above line of code, removed this `<ins>` tag and then the click action worked fine.

Step 5: Download the content with answers

In this final step, I wanted to store the page locally. I tried to make a screenshot and save it as image, but it turns out that screenshot is made only for a visible part of the screen, so I would have to scroll down and make other screenshots and then combine them all together — way too complicated.

However, there was a simpler solution, just download the page!

I’ve created a string that holds the file name. Needed few changes in the name to be more linux friendly. This was done using the gsub method and replaced some characters.

generate_file_name = "output/#{current_site.title.gsub("/", "-").gsub(" | ", "").gsub(" ","_")}-#{Time.now.to_i}.html"

Then, just wrote the HTML to this file.

File.open(generate_file_name, 'w') {|f| f.write current_site.html }

And that was it all.

Having interacting with Watir and Ruby was a great fun and also automated the process a lot. The solution can be find on my github account if you would like to watch in action then head out to youtube.

Thank you!

