This is the Power of Mindfulness

Learn how awareness and meditation can significantly change your life and improve society.

Greg Franz Meditation
3 min readDec 11, 2022


Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash
Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Let me start by asking a question.

Have you ever thought about why meditation became so popular in the Western hemisphere?

Over the past few decades, researchers have been studying meditation and mindfulness to understand and improve the human condition. To find out more detail, read this.

Psychotherapists around the world use mindfulness to help their patients.

Here are some examples of psychotherapy schools:

  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MSBR);
  • Gestalt holistic psychotherapy;
  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT);
  • Dialectical behavior therapy.

Self-development gurus seem to appreciate it at least as much.

All these people?! But why?

Mindfulness gives people the most important ingredient to brew the answer to any question.


To understand why insight is so powerful, reflect on the source of suffering.

Why do people suffer?

This is a very vital question to fix a lot of our problems.

Why do we create conflicts?

Is there truly no solution?

Do there need to be more resources for everyone?

Do nations need war?

What about conflicts of interest?

What if humanity cooperated?

Do you think people have a limited capacity to understand each other?

Why do people get sick or die?

Is killing essential to human survival?

Here let me stop on the thought of Buddha about the potential cause of human suffering.

The mind precedes all thoughts.

The mind is their superior;

The mind creates all of them.

When a person acts with an unclear mind suffering walks right beside him . — Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

This is the true importance of mindfulness.

Understand oneself and the roots of actions.

For too long, we looked at the external world to solve their problems — like politicians, heroes, gurus, and gods. You name it.

They can bring tremendous benefits. And many times do.

But they will not get you through the door of happiness because it’s not in anyone else’s power.

To emphasize my point, I’ll quote Morpheus from the movie Matrix.

“I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.”

- Morpheus


One can still question the reason for awareness being the answer.

That’s fair.

Mindfulness is nothing without us.

Meditation is powerful because … WE ARE

I believe meditating and being fully aware gives access to the source of enormous inner power.

I know you’ve probably heard it many times.

“Humans are the strongest and smartest beings in the universe.”

Does it mean something when a person doesn’t feel it?

What are words without feelings?

Just empty sounds, right?

But have you experienced the feeling of invincibility, wholeness, and truth?

Tap into the inner self to discover them.

You have the key to unlock the God or the Goddess within. Awareness.

Problems can be fixed, when one has the power to overcome them.

Try looking inside. It is there.

The strength and beauty you were looking for.

Look carefully, have contact with the source of energy, and you’ll be blessed.

How can you benefit from awareness?

Knowing can be difficult and painful.

The blissful state of ignorance is tempting. But needs always come back in one form or another. They are impossible to avoid.

There is nothing more persistent and strong in the universe then need and truth.

Humanity will reach its full potential when they embrace awareness in its purest form.

Practicing mindfulness releases profound feelings of insight, love and strength. — Greg Franz F.

That’s what happened to me.

And I believe it can happen to YOU too.

Thank you so much for reading! :)

If my opinion isn’t convincing enough, there are also studies that you can read here. How can you improve your meditation practice? Click here to find out.

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Peace :)



Greg Franz Meditation

Meditator | Psychologist | Writer | Aspiring Coder. ☮🤔🌌