peaq: Connecting web3 with the real world.


3 min readJun 16, 2024

Lately we heard that DePIN and RWA will make it possible to connect web3 with the real world and will be the key to ultimate adoption.

But how will this be possible? How does it really work?

In this document, using simple language, we will try to answer these questions by analyzing the practical case of XMaquina, a peaq DePIN.

Current context

Currently, a very common investment option is to supply liquidity to LP (Liquidity Pools) to obtain returns on the commissions of the transactions carried out.

That is, the commissions generated by each asset swap operation in the pool are distributed to the owners of the pool (users who provided liquidity).

Without a doubt a great innovation within the decentralized finance (DeFI) sector that we can find only on web3, but here we have a small problem, since the investment focuses on trusting the pair of tokens involved in the pool, and therefore limited to the specific projects that operate within the crypto space.

The future is here.

Continuing with the previous example, imagine that we go further and the token involved in the pool, instead of representing a specific blockchain project, represents a real-world asset. How? Yes, you understood it correctly, this small nuance radically changes the rules of the game and definitively connects web3 with the real world.

Can you imagine that by simply supplying liquidity to a pool you could receive rewards for each operation carried out, for example, by a robot in the real world?

Well, stop imagining because this is already a reality. Let’s now look at the case of XMaquina and how it works.


XMAQUINA is a DePIN of autonomous robots which enables people to get a share in the revenues from the services provided by these tokenized machines. XMAQUINA’s robot tokenization solution enables businesses to tokenize their real-world assets and transforms these smart assets into accessible public investment opportunities, thereby supporting the scaling of any robotics venture.

How it works

  1. Businesses tokenize their robots on XMAQUINA
    The robot’s asset tokens are issued, representing a stake in the earnings of an autonomous robot or fleet.
  2. Eligibility
    To participate, users complete the KYC verification via the XMAQUINA dashboard.
    Once verified, users gain full platform access and eligibility to contribute liquidity to any active robot subsidization pool.
  3. Review investment offerings
    Before providing liquidity, users can review detailed investment overviews from the various robotics businesses. These include machine specifications, revenue share models, maintenance and warranty terms, and financial projections. This step ensures that individuals have a comprehensive understanding of each investment, including potential risks and returns, helping you make an informed decision.
  4. Liquidity contribution
    Users who provide liquidity to the pool receive asset tokens in return. These tokens signify your share in the machine’s revenue. By supplying liquidity, users enable robotics firms to purchase and strategically deploy the robots into their operations, taking care of all the heavy lifting.
  5. Passive Income
    As long as you hold your asset tokens, you’ll continue to earn passive income from the robot’s operations.

About peaq

peaq is a layer 1 blockchain designed to be the perfect home for DePINs, peaq functions as a permissionless and borderless digital infrastructure for increasingly intelligent machines to serve all of humanity — 100%, not just 1% — democratizing abundance in the age of AI and automation.





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