How to Manage Common Summer Skin Problems?

GS Hospital
6 min readApr 18, 2023


How to Manage Common Summer Skin Problems?
How to Manage Common Summer Skin Problems?


Summers are pretty harsh; besides sweaty and greasy skin, this season has allergies, sunburns, and insect bites. With spiking temperatures, it is the time when our skin is the most exposed to heat, dust, and other such elements. We wish to avoid these heat waves by relaxing in air-conditioned rooms and sipping fresh lemonade. But the point is, it’s not possible. Thus, we must start preparing to keep our skin healthy, be aware of the everyday summer skin problems, and learn how to manage them. And we’re here to help you keep your skin free from rash, infections, and redness this summer.

Managing Some Common skin problems

Dermatologists at GS Hospital who have worked in dermatology for over 20 years helped thousands of patients with various skin problems yearly. These experts list this article’s 10 most common summer skin problems and provide management tips

1. Sunburns

Sunburn is a very prevalent skin problem during the summer months. The sun’s UV radiation can damage the DNA in your skin cells, leading to sunburn. Ultraviolet rays can damage the DNA of your skin cells, leading to skin cancer. Sunburns can be painful and cause your skin to become red and swollen. You may also experience itching, blistering, and peeling.

You may need to see a dermatologist if you have a severe sunburn. Some of the top dermatologists in Delhi Ncr always recommend the application of sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to prevent sunburns. Apply good sunscreen to your exposed skin, including ears, face, neck, and hands. After every two or more hours, reapply sunscreen every more if you are swimming or sweating. Go for a shaded place when possible and wear protective clothing like sunglasses or a hat. Also, to avoid sunburns, stay in the shade during peak sun hours (10 am to 4 pm).

2. Heat Rash

Excessive heat exposure can cause people to develop heat rash, and we also know the condition as prickly heat or miliaria. Heat rash can occur in anyone but is most common in babies and young children. Symptoms of heat rash include red, raised bumps on the skin, a burning or stinging sensation, and itchiness. The spots may leak clear fluid or turn white when pressed.

Heat rash commonly recovers on its own within a few days. If you or your child has a heat rash, the best thing to do is to move to a cooler location and avoid further exposure to heat. You can also cool the skin with a cool cloth or water. Some of the Best Dermatologist in Noida suggests that if the rash is exceptionally bothersome, use a hydrocortisone cream to relieve the itchiness.

3. Insect Bites

Insect bites may vary, and each one can cause different symptoms. Thus, it is imperative to be conscious of all these diverse types of bites to treat them properly. Some common symptoms of insect bites include swelling, redness, itching, and pain. Some bites may also cause more severe reactions, such as anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening.

If you suspect an insect bite, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately. Dr. Ritu, the Best Dermatologist in Ghaziabad, says, “many home remedies can help relieve the symptoms of an insect bite. Some medications include applying a cold compress, taking antihistamines, and using hydrocortisone cream.” If you need help treating your bite, it’s always best to consult a medical professional.

4. Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions arise when your body encounters a foreign substance, such as pollen, dust, or animal dander. The body recognizes these substances as harmful and releases histamines, which cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction and can range from mild to severe and can include itchiness, swelling, redness, and difficulty breathing. Some cases can lead to anaphylaxis, which can be a life-threatening reaction.

If you think you have an allergic reaction, it is essential to seek medical help immediately. Be sure to let your medical professional know if you have any allergies or medications you are taking. Your doctor can determine if you are experiencing an allergic reaction and, if so, can recommend the best course of treatment.

5. Acne

Dead skin cells and oil clog hair nerves, leading to acne, a common skin problem. It can affect people irrespective of age, but it is typical in juveniles and young adults. Acne can cause various symptoms, including blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and cysts.

Many treatments are available for acne, and the right one for you will depend on the severity of your symptoms. Some common medications include topical remedies, oral medicines, and light therapy. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist if you are concerned about your acne. They can help you create a treatment plan to minimize your symptoms and help you achieve unblemished skin.

6. Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are a type of infection that can affect different parts of the body. A fungus, a variety of plants that do not produce flowers, causes these infections. Some common fungal infections are- athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm.

Top Dermatologist in Delhi Ncr treats fungal infections with antifungal medications by administering them orally or to the affected area. Sometimes, the infection may get cured on its own. However, you may need to see a doctor if the condition does not heal or keeps returning.

7. Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common problem that can affect anyone at any age. While it is usually not a severe condition, it can be a nuisance and cause discomfort. Several factors, including weather, age, and medical conditions, can cause dry skin.

There are several ways to treat dry skin, including over-the-counter creams and lotions, home remedies, and prescription medications. Simple lifestyle changes can manage dry skin. However, see a doctor if you have stiff, dry skin that does not respond to home treatment.

8. Melasma

Melasma, or “pregnancy mask,” is a typical summer skin problem that causes brown or gray patches on the face. Researchers of some Doctors from the Best Hospital in Noida prove that hormonal changes, sun exposure, or certain medications can cause melasma. Though it can occur in both men and women, it is more common in women and typically develops during pregnancy or is associated with taking birth control pills. Melasma is not dangerous but can be a cosmetic concern for many.

Several treatments are available for melasma, including topical creams, laser therapy, and dermabrasion. Doctors can effectively treat melasma with a combination of treatments. If you are concerned about melasma, talk to your doctor or dermatologist about the best treatment options. Also, to prevent melasma, wear sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight during peak hours.

9. Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Redness, inflammation, and, often, pimples are characteristics of rosacea. Rosacea can be very embarrassing and frustrating, but the good news is that the treatments available can help.

If you have rosacea, the first step is to see a dermatologist or other healthcare provider, and they can confirm the diagnosis and work with you to develop a treatment plan. Treatment for rosacea often includes lifestyle changes, such as avoiding triggers that worsen symptoms and medications. Know that you are not alone; many resources are available to help you manage the condition and find relief.

10. Skin Cancer

Summer sun exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer. To prevent skin cancer, wear protective clothing, use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, and avoid tanning beds. In conclusion, these are the most common summer skin problems, and awareness can help you prevent or manage them.


Although summer is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, the heat and humidity can cause several skin problems. To manage frequent summer skin problems, a person should first identify the type of problem they have. Once they identify the problem, they should use over-the-counter medication, change environmental factors, and use natural remedies as standard treatments. A person should see a dermatologist if the situation does not improve after trying these treatments.



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