The Dangers of Old and Neglected Elevators

Goverdhan Makani
1 min readMay 7, 2023


The Dangers of Old and Neglected Elevators by Aegis Elevator
The Dangers of Old and Neglected Elevators

Elevators are a commonplace feature of modern life, effortlessly transferring us to different floors of structures. To guarantee safe and dependable operation, elevators must receive routine maintenance, just like any other mechanical equipment. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the risks associated with outdated and insufficiently maintained elevators, highlighting how crucial it is to give safety and maintenance the first priority in any elevator system.

-Safety Hazards: Old and neglected elevators pose a range of safety hazards that can jeopardize the well-being of users. Some of the key dangers include:

a. Malfunctioning Doors: Aging elevators may suffer from faulty door mechanisms, leading to doors closing improperly or unexpectedly. This can result in passengers getting caught or injured when entering or exiting the elevator.

b. Mechanical Failures: Lack of maintenance increases the likelihood of mechanical failures such as cable snaps, motor malfunctions, or brake failures. These failures can lead to sudden elevator drops or uncontrolled movements, putting passengers’ lives at risk.

c. Electrical Issues: Outdated wiring or poor electrical connections can cause elevator malfunctions, including power outages, flickering lights, or even electrical fires. Continue…



Goverdhan Makani

I'm Goverdhan Makani, an entrepreneur, and the founder of AEGIS Elevator, one of the leading elevator companies in India.