NEM Library meets Angular 2!

2 min readJul 30, 2017


We are happy to share with you an special project we have initiate, the NEM Library Angular2 seed project! 🙌🎉

The project main goals are:

  • Help new developers start coding with NEM Blockchain. Using the seed and understanding how NEM works and which are the main NEM functionalities and benefits.
  • Allow developers bootstrap them NEM projects into an Angular project.
  • Along with the community, extend this project and add functionalities making it become a huge NEM Blockchain knowledge base to help the two first goals.

Lets get into what’s inside this project!

Right now there are 3 sections showing different functionalities of the NEM Library:

  • Unconfirmed transactions paginated: using an account address we get incoming and outgoing unconfirmed transactions for an account. NEM Library allows to do pagination, set it to 5 transactions in this project. View source code.
  • Unconfirmed transaction listener: when a new transaction is created sometimes we want to do update something on our app, but we don’t want to be downloading all transactions repeatedly. With the unconfirmed transaction listener we get the information of the new transactions whenever an account sends or receives them. View source code.
  • Block listener: in this section again with the NEM Library listeners we get block information every time a new block is confirmed. View source code.

Important! The seed project uses NEM Blockchain Testnet, so use testnet accounts and transactions!

NEM Library Angular2 seed screenshot

How to start playing with it? 🤘

Project source code can be found in:

  • Fork the repo
  • Clone it,<YOUR_ACCOUNT>/nem-library-angular2-seed.git
  • Run it using ng serve
  • Run test ng test
  • Extended it as you like 😊 send a message to Aleix and Me, we would love to accept pull requests and make new functionalities.

We are looking forward to get this project into developer’s hands and see it evolve into a NEM Blockchain exemplifying project with lots of different functionalities. On the other hand we will release the Ionic2 seed project soon, this will exemplify the app development with NEM Library 😊

Who we are

This project is being developed by Aleix and Guillem.

Join the NEM Development community here.

