Adobe India Women in Technology Scholarship — Essay tips

GSSN Himabindu
2 min readAug 3, 2021


“Through the Adobe India Women-in-Technology Scholarship, we are striving towards creating gender equality in science, technology and engineering domains by encouraging women to showcase their excellence in computing and technology and become future leaders and role models in the field.”
— Adobe

In this article, I would like to share some tips on how to make your essays unique and impressive ⭐.

  1. Have your own story ✍️
    You are what you are, because of all those tiny little sweet or bitter stories, isn’t it? Sit down, take some time to recall all such stories, jot them down. Identify some of the important and relevant experiences, and list them before starting off with your essays.
  2. Identify what the panel is looking for 🔎
    Go through the scholarship webpage and search for the keywords — i.e. what they are actually looking for. Add some action words and stories which relate to those “keywords”. If the keyword is “leader”, then adding an experience that brought out a leader would make your essay more convincing.
  3. Double chck Grammmatical & spellng mistkes!😅
    Ensure that there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. It creates a bad impression. You could ask your friends and seniors to review the essays before submission, in addition to using tools like Grammarly.
  4. Be honest ✨
    Do not fake anything — be it achievement or failure. The panellists are highly experienced and they can easily identify what’s real and what’s fake. Be honest, and write your own experiences. Do not copy-paste things from the internet.
  5. Word count 🤫
    Word limit is given for a reason, so please stick to it.
  6. Do not repeat, i.e, please don’t repeat, I meant — do not repeat 😛
    Sometimes, we tend to write the same experience in multiple essays. As words are limited (word count!), try to add more unique content and remove repeated/unnecessary words/sentences.
  7. Maintain a flow!
    Do not try to add two different things in an essay without connecting them. Maintain a smooth transition — some xyz happened, because of which abc … and so on. The reader shouldn’t struggle to connect the dots! It should be short and crisp, interesting and at the same time, convey what’s being asked in the question.
  8. Read the question properly!!!
    This is the common mistake we all do. Starting off immediately to write answers before reading the question properly — ending up with something different from what’s asked… So make sure you read it well, underline important parts of the question, and look at them while writing an essay.
  9. Start early to save time for polishing your essays⌛
    Do not write essays in a hurry.
    Start early
    read your essays
    edit them
    get them reviewed — keep doing it until you feel it’s PERFECT 💫 .
  10. Be confident 💪
    Everything you achieved is great — you are special! Nothing is small or big, what matters is, you TRIED, you EARNED it!

All the best!
You could drop down your doubts in the comments or ping me over LinkedIn.



GSSN Himabindu

Adobe India WIT Scholar’21 | MITACS GRI’21 | Ex-product intern @Adobe || Microsoft Engage’20 | ML researcher at Samsung Lab DTU | CSE undergrad @DTU