Last 8 hours end of GStar.AI’s pre-sale!

3 min readJul 22, 2018


We are excited to announce that we have raised 885.4 ETH (88.5% filled) in our pre-sale! We are now in the final hours of our pre-sale, do make your GSTAR purchase now to prevent missing out during last minute rush!

A step-by-step guide on how to participate can be found here:
How do I take part in GStar.AI’s tokensale?

Change of Main Tokensale Plans

Firstly, our sincere thanks to all who have supported us and participated in our GSTAR pre-sale!
A quick observation: We have received more contribution from our private contacts as compared to the public during the pre-sale, and this can be largely attributed to the fact that an in-person interaction is often more fruitful than simply an online presence, especially in the ICO space where false hype often overshadows real & sincere businesses.

Thus, instead of focusing our efforts on drumming up more hype (and getting louder than the next ICO that comes on), we thought: Why not go back to basics and focus on our value proposition? Why not continue working on our GStar Ecosystem which you have a glimpse of, and come out with tradable Stars that can be deployed on live exchanges so that those with GSTAR tokens can already use and profit from using it?

Distribution of GSTAR tokens

Hence, we will proceed to distribute the GSTAR tokens for the pre-sale, as well as airdrops, bounty campaign, etc. We are also in the midst of getting GSTAR listed on exchanges, however we strongly advise you to hold on to the GSTAR tokens first, as we have concrete plans to increase the value of GSTAR quite aggressively in the near future.

And instead of launching the main tokensale, we are also looking at alternative distribution arrangements, where GSTAR tokens can be bought from us at a premium rate for the services rendered. Thus, there will be an immediate usage for the GSTAR tokens, and those who have already owned GSTAR tokens from the pre-sale will also be able to enjoy the difference between premium rate and the pre-sale rate.

Special note to the bounty hunters: We will keep the records of your proportional share of the bounty during the pre-sale, and for any future distribution of GSTAR tokens, we will continue to allocate 3% of the distribution to you as additional bounty if we are not adding new bounty hunters. If we are adding new bounty hunters, your proportional shares will continue to be relevant and factored into the calculations.

The Genesis Star

During our talks with private investors, a very interesting point kept popping up. Almost all of them requested for a very specific Star (automated trading system) to be made first. For those who have been following our conversations, we mentioned that we will look into that after the initial launch of the beta version of GStar Ecosystem. A few of them prodded “Why wait? Why not launch that as the first Star?” I sure will be extremely keen to use it personally, and I’m very certain all your supporters will want to use that too!”

And we thought, why not right? Hence, we have decided that that will be our Genesis Star. We will keep it a secret on what exactly that is for now (don’t guess, we are not telling!) When ready (give us a few months), we will reveal that to the public, and existing GSTAR token holders will be getting a 2-weeks early access to it as promised in our Whitepaper.

Thanks once again for all your support, watch this space in future for our updates!

