What Does The Future Hold

George Stevens
4 min readSep 5, 2018

You can always question “where am I going to be in five years time” but the answer that follows will most likely be so ridiculous and overly optimistic you’ll just be met with disappointment. That being said, if your name ends with Gates or Buffet then you might just meet your goal.

“So George, where are you going to be in five years time?” I’d like to say a lot of things but I’m going to be realistic for the sake of not sounding insane. Starting in a new industry with many possibilities and avenues to take, the best course of action is to venture on a road of opportunity and self worth. It can sometimes be difficult to see the ‘golden opportunity’ when you’re still learning, but like I’ve mentioned before — put that head down and keep learning — so here goes…

Product Lifecycle Management

PLM is in an area of growth and innovation which is being created constantly and an area that I will be pursuing for the years to come. With it’s relevance in an emerging digital manufacturing market, this is truly a space to watch and that is why I’m pushing to be at the forefront of this community.

If we take a step back just for a moment — PLM is quite simply the management of a product lifecycle, from concept to sample management by the likes of Dassault and Siemens product suite. PLM not only assists collaboration within a large enterprise of many moving parts it also enables a highly efficient and productive method to access all stages of the process, forming stronger, faster and over all better products for the market. Tunnel down the rabbit hole a little further and you’ll find there’s only a hand full of individuals with enough experience and knowledge to carry out an implementation.


A Centre of Excellence in my eyes could be seen as an ‘incubator’ to bring together the minds of the most highly experienced and knowledgeable individuals to the same organisation or business and have them working tightly as a team in one geographical location. They’d be operating on platforms, neatly threading together and finely tuning all the elements back into the business process. Forming multiple COE projects with some of the largest companies in the world, and sometimes the smaller, you start to see how these projects are helping form new markets and driving industries forward through innovation and digital transformation. As it propels the time scale of implementation and eliminates many problems down the line with its efficiency and necessity to create a seamless integration, I feel this is another area to target as one of my future endeavours.

Digital Innovation Platform

What is a Digital Innovation Platform? You could say it’s the next step for product lifecycle management, but if we’re being specific you would say something along the lines of — it offers a singular attack for product innovation and development that enables users to work off one data model, so everyone is interacting with real-time information — in other words creating a digital twin. This not only helps the individual but can also elevate a business to a digital status and a more interactive one at that. This platform capability sets the foundation to go further from the traditional manufacturing processes and to accommodate higher levels of customer experience. This product truly has a big future ahead of itself and I’m running as fast as I can in the same direction.

Another Tier of Possibility

Now I don’t want to get all political on you, but Brexit is something worth mentioning. The requirement to look further afield for valuable talent is increasing. We’re starting to experience a fall of skilled individuals in the UK forcing the search overseas which you could consider as an opportunity, creating more demand for a company like ourselves to become a further necessity. On the flip side, companies are holding tight for a verdict on which direction the future of trade is heading, therefore slowing demand and ultimately limiting opportunity. But with optimism and persistence I’d like to think my future is a solid one.

Five Years

Five years to many can seem like a blink of an eye, but to a young and ambitious individual it can feel like a lot of time to reach a lot of goals. I’d like to create a future of difference in industry and see growth within our partners, and above all be the modern man of today by developing individuals, applying an empathetic approach and above all helping people succeed from wherever they might be to the vision they see.

So… with an overview from some of the areas I specialise in and a perspective as to why I have have chosen to pursue a future in them, hopefully you too will join the community and help grow the future we’re all wishing for.

Until the next,

George Stevens



George Stevens

Industry 4.0 / IR / Manufacturing Technologies / IIOT / PLM / Product Innovation Platform