5 Easiest Ways to Solve Different Types of Puzzles

George Thomas
5 min readSep 18, 2019

You may call it a mind game or a fun method to enhance mind power. There is something truly addictive about puzzles. Crosswords, in particular, are equally popular among young children, as well as among the grown-ups. There are different types of Crossword Puzzles for different age group. No matter what the age a specific type of puzzle is meant for, solving it can be intimidating. Yet, no one needs to be a genius to nail games. It simply takes a lot of enthusiasm, some diligence, and a few tips up the sleeve to get started.

  1. Starting With the Basics

Puzzles do vary in their levels of difficulty. There are easy crosswords, as well as moderately tough ones and the hard ones. Even if you start with something that looks quite easy, it makes sense to work on it instead of starting right away with the puzzle, ensure that you keep a pencil handy.

• While working with pencil, you enjoy the liberty to make mistakes and correct yourself.

• This especially comes handy when you are engaging your children to solve puzzles.

• Not only crosswords, but you can also do your ‘homework’ while solving just about any types of puzzles. This includes, but does not remain confined to mathematical puzzles, making new words, rounds, and crosses, to name a few.

• As a starter, it might not make sense to jump into the ‘big’ words entries. That being said, you might want to start with smaller (such as 3–5 lettered) words.

• You can also take the aid of websites like GoAssignmentHelp that offer different types of research work on puzzles.

  1. Getting the Clue

Often, the hints that you get in the puzzles are not sufficient to find the answers effectively. This is particularly important when you are solving some types of word games or Crossword Puzzles. For example:

• The clue is likely to tell you if the answer needs to be in abbreviations or by using acronyms.

• Usually, such clues are hinted by symbols or signs like abbr.

• Check whether the puzzles have a theme. Often, the theme relates to some of the clues. Don’t think in a complex way. Often, the clue to solving just any type of puzzle remains as simple as they can be. In rare cases, you might need to think really out of the box.

  1. Stressing On Outside Resources

Again, this is a tip that connoisseurs of word games and Crossword Puzzles would specifically find helpful. Several players often tend to tap on the internet and search engines to look for the answers. Instead of resorting to the internet, having a Thesaurus, a dictionary, a quality Atlas and an almanac can give you the true flavor of solving extraordinary puzzles. Often, you might need to search for global terms or foreign languages. This is right where dictionaries come handy. Hence, check whether the clue signals if you need to check the foreign version of any given term. Having a dictionary in hand will also help you to find the synonyms, antonyms, as well as the plural versions of different terms. Once again, you will find them helpful.

  1. On Cracking the Reasoning Blues

Who does not love riddles? And who has not felt frustrated while solving them? Whether you try reasoning problems for pleasure, or as a part of your entrance preparation, puzzles testing your reasoning ability can be a headache. Or they are not? When you practice your way to perfection, a little bit of care on your part can be helpful.

  • Remember that every battle has a strategy. Similarly, there is a way to manage every puzzle, no matter how tricky they tend to be.
  • It all begins with the good old golden rule; read the questions thoroughly and repeatedly. See whether you can grasp what exactly this problem is demanding.
  • Patterns matter! Just after you comprehend what type of puzzle you are going to deal with, (such as seating arrangement, blood relations and the like), start sketching the clues given in the question.
  • Keep reading and arranging the information given in every line.
  • Even after making it, you will see that there is certain information that you cannot arrange through sketches.
  • Treat such pieces of information as your indirect clues. You will need to apply your logical reasoning ability to deal with such clues.
  • Mastering, or nurturing your logical reasoning solving skills can be intimidating. Yet, you can get some practical help and have interesting research work from websites like GoAssignmentHelp. You can enjoy excellent practice materials for a very reasonable price. The experts in this field are preparing each of the questions. This adds more value to the service you get.
  1. Golden Rules That Go Unnoticed

There is no one size fits all solution to manage just about any type of puzzle. More than often, it boils down to simple things. They include your presence of mind, your wit, and your ability to understand the problem. In keeping with that:

• You might have practiced a certain type of puzzle many times and got stuck solving something akin to it during exams/competition. This is a very common problem that students of all level and ages tend to face. Stressing too much on any given matter can give rise to confusion. Likewise, you are going to confuse yourself if you harp too much on any given puzzle.

• Do not assume anything on your own while jotting down the direct information, or making sketches from the data that you get in the puzzles.

• Pay attention to gender centric words like “he”, “him”, “her”, “she”, “it”, as well as relative words like “this”, “that”, “which”, “who”, and the like while decoding any type of information.

• While proceeding with the problem, you need to pick and choose the information that matters. Consider the combinations that you feel is feasible to the question, and cancel out what you feel is redundant. This once again needs some practice.

It would not take much time to narrow in on the correct answer. Practice it to believe it.

