Use a Github Profile — or others README files — as Static Website

Gui Talarico
4 min readOct 1, 2021


In 2020 Github released a feature where its users can define a file and have it rendered on their Profile Page. The markdown is rendered as html front and center on<username>.

This awesome feature gives users the opportunity to create a landing page for their developer persona to share information and present their work. And it seems to have been well received by the community — you can find many awesome examples in repos like abhisheknaiidu/awesome-github-profile-readme and

Profile from

My Github Profile

A few weeks ago I finally got around to create my Github Profile Page. I had a lot of fun using image shields and custom html to list technologies I liked, as well as a tracker of my active Github projects.

I was happy with the outcome, but it also got me thinking… Could I use this page as a personal landing page? I have been using a Hugo + Netlify static website for my personal website, And while I liked Hugo, I always found a bit painful to make changes to the website content and structure. Github markdown editing lets you see live a preview, and the constraints of Markdown forced me to keep the content simple.

What if I could use my Github Profile, hosted and editable on Github, but rendered as an html website outside of Github?

# is a simple static website that extracts parameters from the URL path to find a markdown file, and then renders it into the page.

For example, I can render my Github Profile page by going to

I could also render a project README by pointing to a specific repository — renders

Use Cases

Github Profile as a Website

This is the primary use case illustrated above. For example, you can include your twitter or instagram profile to have viewers see your profile page as nicely rendered page, without all the other Github content and context.

Other Markdown Files as a Website

You can also use this to create a clean render of a Markdown to use it in a presentation, or to be able to render anything that doesn’t require knowledge of the repository. This is a nice way to link to or browse repos like awesome-* .


URL Routing

By default, attempts to render the Github Profile page of the provided username. For example, will render

To render files in other repositories, just append the repo name to the URL path. For example, will render

Branch Selector

The default branch is main. If you want render a different branch, you can provide the branch name as a URL query param

Custom URL: Alias

You can create custom alias by submitting a PR adding your alias to src/config.json . For example adding will render my Github profile.

Custom URL: Domain Redirect

You can also configure your own domain to redirect to your markdown.ispage by changing your DNS records. Below we configure to redirect to

Styling (Beta)

In addition to rendering your markdown, you can also apply custom css styling. You can do so by adding a CSS file README.css next to your README. After the page loads, the CSS will be fetched and injected.


The page uses DOMPurify to sanitize the markup, markdown-it to render the markdown as html, and github-markdown-css to style the markup.

Final Notes is in its early development. Contributions in the form of ideas, feedback, or code improvements are welcome. The project is free and open-source and the source code is available at



Gui Talarico

I am an an architect-turned-developer who loves Dogs, Beer, Python, Javascript, and Go, in that order.