gthr cycling celebrates their LA and App Store launch
Attendees at the launch party cheer on the founders as they announce ‘gthr: Cycling Reimagined’ is live.

gthr Launches in LA With a Bang!

gthr news
2 min readJul 30, 2021

gthr’s launch party attracts a huge crowd to celebrate their company launch.

gthr is a cycling app that allows you to connect with cyclists based on your riding style, create/join/manage group rides, and engage with your local cycling community.

LOS ANGELES — July 28, 2021 — Trevor Brown and Noah Wossen celebrated gthr’s LA launch this past weekend at the ASYSTEM beach house in Venice, CA. The launch event held at ASYSTEM, a health and wellness brand focused on performance and recovery, brought cyclists, founders, and many friends and family together to celebrate gthr’s public launch.

Some of the founders in attendance included Corsa, Fintech Today, HĒDO, and two Grid110 Summer Cohort companies FYBRAA and Spira.

The launch event was not just a party for gthr’s launch; instead, it was a community celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit. When entering the venue, you could sense the powerful energy of the room, cheering on two founders who choose risk over safety.

Trevor Brown and Noah Wossen take a picture at gthr cycling launch party
Founders Noah Wossen and Trevor Brown embrace one another on launch day.

“An entrepreneur is someone who will jump off a cliff and assemble an airplane on the way down.” — Reid Hoffman

Often in today’s world, big dreams that require taking the leap are discouraged, and stability becomes the main driver. That was certainly not the case for these two founders this weekend.

Everything about the day was impressive — From the taco station to the fresh strawberry mint margarita pitchers and Corsa’s hydration activation, nobody left with an empty stomach. With all food and cocktails made by hand, these two have set a high bar for launch parties to come.

The future for gthr is bright as the duo assembles their LA Ambassador Team, continues their accelerator program within Grid110, and continues to build the future of cycling.

If you would like further information on gthr: Cycling Reimagined, or you would like to schedule an interview, please contact:

Trevor Brown, Co-Founder
Twitter: @NotTrevorBrown



gthr news

At gthr, we are reimagining how people build community over sports.