CS 371p Spring 2022: Guan Lin Wee (Week 9)

Guan Lin Wee
2 min readMar 28, 2022


Week of 21 Mar — 27 Mar

What did you do this past week?

I haven’t done much in the past week outside of attending classes. I started and finished a project I had for AI. I’ve been mostly trying to get back into the working mindset after spring break.

What’s in your way?

I haven’t really started on the Allocator project. I need to get that started over the weekend and focus on it within the remaining days before the deadline. I also need to catch up on some lectures in one of my asynchronous classes. There are no definitive due dates in that class but I don’t want to repeat the scenario of cramming lectures for the exam.

What will you do next week?

My primary focus will be on the allocator project. I want to finish this as soon as possible. If I have any free time in the week, I will also start catching up on lectures for the async class.

What did you think of Paper #9: Dependency Inversion Principle?

Like the previous papers on SOLID design, the paper provided an interesting insight into object-oriented design. It was interesting to see how abstract classes can be used to reduce dependencies and increase the flexibility of classes/modules. The solutions provided were pretty straightforward; however, I felt like most of the solutions revolved around the use of abstract classes and adapters. Overall, these papers have made me more considerate/careful when designing and producing code.

What was your experience of DigitsIterator, Iterators, and std::vector?

I would certainly need to review some of the material that was covered this week, especially in regards to the topic of Iterators. The std::vector material was particularly interesting. I haven’t really paid attention to the details and differences between the different types of arrays in C++. I also need to review this part of the lectures since I feel like I missed some of the key details.

What made you happy this week?

It was nice to have an extension to the project. Otherwise, I would’ve crammed a good portion of time within the first few days back from spring break on it. Instead, I am cramming one week after spring break on it :)

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

If you ever have to do a write-up in Latex, I would recommend using Overleaf. Overleaf provides a nice interface to work in and provides templates to use. I’ve used it for classes that require Latex as well as creating well-formatted documents/essays without much hassle.




Guan Lin Wee

Undergraduate Computer Science Student at the University of Texas at Austin