Ron Flores Del Rosario
1 min readMar 1, 2016

SSLv2 DROWN Attack

In technical terms, DROWN is a new form of cross-protocol Bleichenbacher padding oracle attack. It allows an attacker to decrypt intercepted TLS connections by making specially crafted connections to an SSLv2 server that uses the same private key.


  • DROWN stands for Decrypting RSA with Obsolete and Weakened eNcryption.
  • If your servers are still supporting SSLv2
  • If you have a farm of servers supporting old and insecure SSLv2 mixed with servers supporting TLS1.x only
  • If you are sharing certificates and/or private keys between servers.

Stop now and read the full disclosure. Hire a TLS Engineer (That’s me!) to help you if you do not have this talent in-house.